If the end did come

by freedom96 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nosferatu

    I used to get terrified of every thunderstorm. I always thought "this could be the one". Armageddon scared the shit out of me. I actually wasn't looking foreward to it.

    As for after Armageddon, I pictured an over-infestation of lions. Now that I think of it, all the children would grow up, there wouldn't be anymore human reproduction, and the world would be filled with boring adults singing Kingdom Melodies 20 times a day.

  • rocketman
    and the world would be filled with boring adults singing Kingdom Melodies 20 times a day.

    Count me out!

  • iiz2cool

    I believed the end would come as I was taught, but I often wondered if I'd really like what I saw afterward:

    Surrounded by dead bodies everywhere! The stench would be overwhelming! And the diseases that the survivors would get from these unsanitary conditions.

    As for everything being so perfect and wonderful, who the hell wants that??? I enjoy my accomplishments SOOOOO much more if I have to overcome obstacles to attain my goals. It's much more satisfying!

    As for everyone being so nice and pleasant, how boring! Why don't we all just have freaking lobotomies??? I like a little friction now and then! A little friction between people aids in building relationships and character. Don't believe me? Just try having sex without it, and see how far you get!

    No more meat for dinner!!! I can't imagine life without burgers, steak, ribs, chicken, pepperoni on my pizza. What would I put in my hot dog bun, a freaking carrot???

    Then they'd probably try to find a way of banning beer too!

    No thanks, I'll enjoy my life now, and die happy one day.


    Canadian District Overbeer

  • obiwan
    and the world would be filled with boring adults singing Kingdom Melodies 20 times a day.

    If that's what I have to look forward too, count me out! I'll go with a bang, gimme a couple of women and let the world end as I'm shplonking!

  • BluesBrother

    *** kj chap. 20 p. 377 Land of Magog No More to Threaten Mankind ***The fact that Jehovah leaves the bodies of those slain at the defeat of Gog’s attack lying exposed on the ground for birds and wild beasts to gorge themselves upon symbolizes that they will not be laid in respected memorial tombs in hope of a resurrection for them. The unburied dead, "those slain by Jehovah," will be so enormously many that even the carrion birds and scavenging wild beasts could never take care of their consumption. The burial of even what remains after these lower creatures have their fill would be stupendous. Doubtless the Almighty God will use some highly scientific means, whether including antimatter or not, to dispose of the surplus of decaying bodies in a speedy and sanitary way. This remains for the survivors of the "war of the great day" to see and witness. We remember that Noah and his seven fellow survivors of the global Deluge were not burdened with burying the human victims of that world catastrophe after they came out of the ark and renewed Jehovah’s worship on earth.—Genesis 8:18-22.

    Silly apostates that we are !! Do we not think that the imagination of the writing department has not come up with something to answer this?

    Personally , Yes I beleved it . Poor dumb sucker that I was .(Picking up Americanisms on this board) Looking back, it is amazing that I did not see it as mass genocide - but no, I saw it as "Good news" and was content to "Leave it to Jehovah" . In fact I did have severe missgivings from time to time but suppressed them and carried on with all the things that fill your life inside the Org. My only defence is that because I learned it at an early age , it failed to have the impact that it should .

    Eventually, thank God, I wised up and realised that it just cannot be right. Then the whole scheme of things sort of unravelled.

  • moonwillow

    I'm not a JW but I remember when the world was suppose to end. We were in school sitting in class I can't rember the time it was suppose to end right now but we all sat there and watched the clock and the time came and passed. You could hear a sigh of relief as it did. We never gave much thought to if we were ready for it we were just kids. No I never did believe it was going to end as described.

  • azaria

    I don't know why some like the JW's are so obsessed with the end of the world. I don't believe Jesus ever said to obsess about it; just to be ready because we don't know when that may happen. Everyday it's the end of the world for people who pass away. That is what we should be ready for, the end of our own lives, to make sure that we have told our loved ones how we feel about them so they don't have to question that and to try and make peace with those you have had disagreements with for your own sake so you don't have the guilt. I'm thankful that I wrote a note to apologize to my parents before my dad passed away. I knew that they wouldn't ever apologize to me but I felt that I had to do it for me. I didn't feel I was lowering myself by doing that. That he didn't let me know how he felt about me was out of my control. It was his choice.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Yanno.....it's refreshingly hysterically funny to read yall's posts on this thread....now.....

    Frannie B

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