Perle Cites Errors in Iraq, Urges Power Transfer

by William Penwell 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    Perle Cites Errors in Iraq, Urges Power Transfer

    PARIS (Reuters) - Richard Perle, a leading Pentagon ( news - web sites) adviser and architect of the U.S. war to topple Saddam Hussein ( news - web sites ), said the United States had made mistakes in Iraq ( news - web sites) and that power should be handed over to the Iraqis as fast as possible.

    In an interview with the Le Figaro daily newspaper to be published Thursday, Perle defended the U.S.-led war in Iraq and restated his belief that France had been wrong to lead international opposition to the conflict.

    "Of course, we haven't done everything right," said Perle, according to the French text of the interview. "Mistakes have been made and there will be others.

    "Our principal mistake, in my opinion, was that we didn't manage to work closely with the Iraqis before the war, so that there was an Iraqi opposition capable of taking charge immediately," he said.

    "Today, the answer is to hand over power to the Iraqis as soon as possible," he added.

    Perle resigned in March as chairman of the Pentagon's Defense Policy Board over alleged conflicts of interest, but remains an influential figure in neo-conservative circles.

    He also renewed criticism of President Jacques Chirac's refusal to back the war. Chirac wanted more time for U.N. inspectors to search for any banned weapons.

    The United States and Britain said Saddam had deliberately foiled the inspections and failed to provide evidence that it had scrapped its chemical, biological and nuclear programs.

    "You have to understand that since September 11, the United States cannot allow the most terrible weapons in the world to be in the hands of the worst regimes in the world," Perle told Le Figaro, referring to the 2001 hijacked airliner attacks on U.S. landmarks that killed some 3,000 people.

    Washington and London used the weapons charge, dismissed by Iraq as a pretext to wage war, to justify military intervention against Saddam. To date, no such weapons have been found.

  • Satanus

    ""You have to understand that since September 11, the United States cannot allow the most terrible weapons in the world to be in the hands of the worst regimes in the world," Perle told Le Figaro, referring to the 2001 hijacked airliner attacks on U.S. landmarks that killed some 3,000 people."

    So, no commercial jets will be allowed in countries like iraq, iran, pakistan, syria?


  • czarofmischief

    I supported the war.

    We've made good progress - Iraq is getting close to being able to take care of itself.

    Let's get the hell out.


  • Yerusalyim


    You're being disingenious about your comments. OBVIOUSLY he was refering to the WORLDWIDE HELD BELIEF that Iraq had WMD. And that since 9-11 the rules have changed and the threshold for US action is much lower than before 9-11.

    NOW CUT IT OUT! Smooch


    We're in Iraq for years to come...I think everyone knew that going in. Germany was a hell hole the first few relatively speaking...yes...we're making great progress.

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    I was puzzled as to what strings would be attached if the US pulls out. I can't believe after they spend all that time, money and lives that they would just hand it over to the Iraqi's. The only thing I can think of this is a no win situation for a Bush reelection campaign!!


  • Satanus


    "OBVIOUSLY he was refering to the WORLDWIDE HELD BELIEF that Iraq had WMD."

    Yes, of course. That's why the world was so fearful and favored an invasion to take away said weapons.


  • patio34

    Thanks SS for your very pithy (sorry--it's the best word for your statements) posts. That is a real talent for hitting the nail on the head!


    (pithy synonyms: laconic, terse, concise, lean, breviloquent)

  • Satanus


    That's a cool word. Thanks.


  • Yerusalyim
    Yes, of course. That's why the world was so fearful and favored an invasion to take away said weapons.

    Seemed to work for Bill Clinton when he was bombing Iraq...oh yeah...and aspirin factories in Sudan. The rest of the world would be wise to remember the attack of 9-11 wasn't aimed solely at the was aimed at the non Radical Muslim World.

    Another comment to that is...I give a rats a$$ what the rest of the world thinks...they've been wrong oh so many times before...the UN...a complete joke.

    The war was right and good...the US is there for the long haul...seems like a good thing too...we're fighting the terrorist there instead of on US soil.

    The US WILL INDEED have strings attached when we pull that radical Islam not be given state sanctioned permission to operate...and that they try to be a positive democratic influence on the rest of the Mid East...oh yeah...and they have to give Dick Cheney all their that the one you were wanting to hear Penn? It just ain't turning out that it. So far, no oil has been exchanged for the blood we continue to shed there. Don't you find that strange???

  • Satanus

    I suspect that as long as israel gets a bit of oil out of iraq, the rest of the oil doesn't matter at all to richard perle.


    Richard Perle

    Chairman of the Pentagon Defense Policy Board, and strong advocate of war with Iraq, who was fired as an aide to Sen. H. Jackson in the 70s for allegedly passing classified documents to the Israeli embassy. He later worked for the Israeli weapons firm, Soltam. Perle is one of the leading pro-Israeli fanatics leading this Iraq war mongering within the administration and now in the media.


    He got for israel what it wanted, the pacification/neutralization of it's chief enemy. Leaving the usa holding the bag is none of his worry.


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