Thought I would introduce myself

by WateredDown 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • cofty

    Welcome WateredDown.

    I have been out for almost 20 years and it sounds like it is a very different organisation than the one I left.

  • steve2

    The older Witnesses I grew up with - those who came into the organization in the 1930s and 1940s - knew their doctrine and practices very well and could hold themselves together in a debate with householders.

    They knew their stuff damn it! And they were inspiring to me. They'd boldly say to householders, "You've got nothing to fear by studying the Bible with us because if you've got the truth, it should be able to withstand scrutiny".

    Oh, if only modern-day Witnesses applied that admirable principle to their own beliefs! Instead, they run for cover, deflect, resort to ad hominen attacks and generally seem bored by the whole idea of boldly making a case for - and defending - their faith. At the first hint that someone knows something specific about the Witnesses' beliefs and practices, the Witnesses become suspicious and reactive.

    It once was householders avoided the Witnesses; they still do. But now they're "joined" by the Witnesses themselves who avoid engagement with anyone who has active brain cells. 

    What's on TV tonight? What's for dinner tonight? What color should we paint the family room? Where's a good place to go for a vacation this summer?

    Modern-day Witnesses are shockingly lukewarm in their faith.  

  • DesirousOfChange

    Steve (post immediately above this one),

    You have said it well.

    I remember publishers that would challenge the opportunity to call on the home of a minister.  They "knew" that they had "The Truth".  They wanted to "save" that misguided clergyman and stand up for Jehovah's name.

    Now these brain-dead witnesses just stand at a cart and avoid conversation beyond "Good day" and sneak around putting tracts in doors and running off.  They could not even begin to defend what they "believe" -- primarily because they don't know what they "believe".

    Just putting in time.  "Hey there! I'm a pioneer/MS.  Wanna marry me before The End(TM)?"


  • Hortensia

    I've been out for over 30 years. It seems the more they change, the less they change. They're more cultish, the wtbts, and more rigid, and more blatantly manipulative. And the doctrines seem to keep changing little by little. I think it's amazing that 1975 has just disappeared as far as the wtbts is concerned. The website seems ideal for them, jwdotorg, because nothing's in book/paper print. They can change at will, and the former teaching just disappears. But overall, it's the same old bullshit.

    ETA: I changed the name of the wtbts website because typing it correctly automatically creates a link to it! I don't want to give them free advertising.

  • FayeDunaway
    Steve2, that's so true. Put in your 2 hours on Saturday, answer your one or two times on Sunday, give your talk a couple times a year, go to the assemblies. All the rest of the time it was super shallow talk about vacations and mountain biking or hockey, there was a burgeoning population of 'foodies' in my former hall, pleasure seekers. But when you can't talk about really meaningful things and how you really feel, and don't try to spend any time really improving the world, what is there but pleasure.
  • Finkelstein

    Welcome WateredDown  

    Its a big social club no more no less.

    Well for many its a bit more than that, for quite a few they truly believe that the WTS organization is wholesome structured living and the social guidance might actually save their lives in the soon to come judgment day.

    There are of course people who don't really believe everything and you see them sitting on the fence so to speak.


  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Hello and welcome!

    Seriously in the Western world how long have they actually got?

    It should have ended in 1975.

  • dugout
    Its more like a gang
  • Samaritan At the Well
    Samaritan At the Well
    Welcome to the board
  • stuckinarut2

    Welcome watereddown!

    Its great to have another awake person join us here!

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