Okay, on the first test I scored INTP. On the second it was ISFP.
Dating Advice For Geeks
by Seven 30 Replies latest social relationships
Hi Red and S2,
Test One: ESFP
Test Two-? ENFJ;NF -
Edited by - SolidSender on 1 August 2000 3:58:38
Interesting test
Your Temperament is: Rational
Your Character Style is: Architect iNTpPath
Edited by - SolidSender on 1 August 2000 3:59:47
I thought the results seemed pretty accurate, although I didn't consider the validity of any of the other possible results.
As for what was said earlier, you will have to determine the merit of those words for yourself. They are simply what I have found valuable in my life.
I am not one for petty conflicts and trivial arguments. But as for for standing my ground for what I believe when it counts, I rarely back down.
I can walk the battlefield of hash words and insults and not blink an eye. What the other side says against me personally is irrelevant. When I am wrong and defeated, its always a pleasure to congratulate the other side for a battle well fought.
Its all big game SS. Whether you win or lose, its all part of the process in determining the big picture. Leave the anger, hate and name calling out and you're playing on a higher level.
Hey guys,
Tried this the other nite, 1st test - but got distracted - they said I took too long and wanted me to do it again. Being a pighead, I didn't.
Took the 2nd one - Guardian SJ, varient Provider ESFJ. Looked up results, pretty accurate. I liked one quote about my type's outlook:
They are usually stoical about the present, pessimistic about the future, fatalistic about the past, and their preferred time and place is the past and the gateway.
Kinda odd, don't you think?
Edited by - SolidSender on 1 August 2000 3:59:10
Dear redhorsewoman
One thing I do know, however, is that you can alter your basic profile to some extent. I used to be painfully shy. I'm not going to say that I have switched over to being a party
would you say it’s been a conscious switch over or just part of the “maturing“ process?
Me, I’m more a do-er than a say-er with less to say the “maturer” I get. This sounds like the opposite direction to you interestingly.
For me the stuff going on within is fairly absorbing to say the least, though that’s not to say it aint kinda lonesome.SolidSender
Who is to say what or whom is a geek? This is a pet whinge of mine...growing up as a JW there was this huge pressure before every convention. Getting all these new outfit's and who had the coolest clothes and new hairdo - it was so trivial(when I think back)and shallow. And our mum's seemed to be in on it too although I think secretly they were just trying to marry us off before we did some unspeakable. My mother loves nothing better (even now ) to tell me every last detail of what some JW wore to their wedding and every detail that you never wanted to know about what the cake looked like and the who wore what.
Most of them were getting married at 18 & 19, basicaly cause they couldnt wait any longer to .....you know and so they just go what the heck and get married and then wake up 6 months down the track and go "what have I married!!!!"
After 3 shocking relationships with JW guys, all son of elders too, I had enough. All they wanted was eyecandy to hang off their arms at conventions and a quick grope when noone was looking if they could talk you around. One guy actually tried to make me feel guilty that he was turned on by me and told me he had a complaint he refered to as "blue balls" and since i had caused it, couldnt i help him relieve it. Another dated me for 12 months & when my father put the pressure on him to get serious or hit the road he said his father forbade him to marry before armegedon, because he wanted to be sure that the girl would get through too....i wonder if he will?