Tigger, Welcome to the board. You know brother blue balls too? He asked me if I could help relieve him of this life threatening condition in a McDonald's parking lot while we were enjoying our McPuke burgers. I could think of nothing else to do but to dump the contents of my large coke with ice in his lap. There brother Woody, hoped that helped.
Dating Advice For Geeks
by Seven 30 Replies latest social relationships
SS, I think the changes can occur both from the maturation process and also from conscious decisions. I've had to push myself to do things even though they were very difficult, and the more I forced myself to do things, they easier they became. It will never be as comfortable or easy for me to relate socially as it is for someone with a basically outgoing personality, but it is easier.
Becoming more mature also helps, though. But, again, maturity doesn't just happen, you need to nurture it. There are those who simply grow old, still keeping all the same concepts and ideas they had when they were adolescents. If you allow yourself to ponder your experiences and to grow, then you truly become mature.
Tigger....I remember the same paradigm occurring when I was younger. I honestly believed that young brothers were looking for a wife who was spiritually strong and intelligent. It constantly amazed me to see the bimbos getting the guys. These girls were really into makeup, clothes, and "putting out" as much as they needed to to snag a guy.
I can remember going on a date with the son of an elder from another congregation. We went to an amusement park. It was kind of nice having him sit close to me on the rides, put his arm around me on the scary ones, and hold my hand. But, when we got into the Fun House and I was constantly being attacked by "breast spiders" and "hiney rhinos" in the dark, I started to get really unnerved. The goodnight kiss was.....well, let's put it this way....I never realized anyone's tongue could be so long.
As a "good JW girl" I tried to maintain a proper Christian relationship. Needless to say, he never asked me out again.
Man I wish I had have read these posts while still one of the faithful. I would never have thought to use these lines. I wonder if they actually ever worked for these guys?? (shaking head in disbelief)
Since I spent time in the world while a teen I was overly cautious about physical expressions of affection (still have the lingo down don't I?? LOL) But I was often amazed at how much some sisters would do to prove how much they wanted to become a bethel wife. When one "very spiritual pioneer sister" leaned over for a good night kiss and casually placed her hand on my crotch (first date) I was not only shocked ( ya ya I admit I enjoyed it but...) but was very disappointed in her. I moved her hand away. Her comment? "well it's not like I was rubbing it or anything. No other brothers have objected."
So much for my nieve impression about chaste pioneers. Actually thats is too much of a generalization. There are many chaste single sisters out there just as there are chaste single brothers. I just seemed to be exposed (no pun intended) to the often chased (not so chaste)
I dated a beautiful sister from the Nashville area. She was a gem and completely above board while dating. It wasn't till my third trip down there that we kissed and that wasn't much more than a tight lipped greeting. There was no impropieties whatsoever. So there are a few out there (in and out of the Truth) with standards for the physical stuff.
So redhorsewoman ...about that daughter of yours, I promise to be 100% gentleman when I meet her. LOL (sorry couldn't resist)
A young sister RedhorseWoman and brother Gene at the Fun House:
[url] http://www.kissdominion.com/GNAPPLE.HTM[/url] -
Edited by - SolidSender on 1 August 2000 3:55:54
Typo correction:
My view is that if sexuality is not given a normal, natural outlet it will makes it’s presence felt in all sorts of bizarre ways.
Hey SS,
Do you realize that the little "book thingie" at the top of your post, one on the left, is your edit click? (Right next to the Post date & time)
I didn't for the longest time - and wondered what it meant at the end of a post when it said
"edited (date & time)"
Or perhaps you just want us to read your posts again? That works too.
Edited by - waiting on 24 July 2000 10:47:2
waiting,Thank you for that book thingie bit of information, oh wise one. I never knew that. Of course I spent an hour looking for the anykey-once when a screen came up and said to hit any key. LOL
7 -
My view is that if sexuality is not given a normal, natural outlet it will make it's presence felt in all sorts of bizzare ways.
I'm sure you only do what the voices in your pants tell you to do.
7 -
Kinda like the person who just bought a new computer.
Was dutifully following instructions:
Type in Your Name.
Type in company Name:
Return.S/He took it back to the store twice.