mm. ok.
Twisted Reasoning
by Perry 22 Replies latest jw friends
Hey Smack is that a banana riding on a lemon?
From that same site:
"Prove yourselves cautious as serpents"
If we have ever seen a snake on the wild life stories, then we may remember seeing what happens when two snakes come in contact with each other.
They will hiss and keep their mouth open as wide as they can. They move from side to side as they wait for an opportunity to strike. As soon as one tires out and closes his mouth the other snake strikes and it is all over for the snake that tired out.
Satan is pictured as "the great snake" in the Bible and he is ready to strike at any time. But as long as we keep our mouths wide open in the preaching work and stay closely associated with God's People he cannot strike.
Talking about an amazingly bad analogy!!
Everybody knows that the Devil's favorite flavor is banana.
I wonder if the Brothers on the writing department make a game of comming up with the dumbest examples they referring to young sisters as "cows in heat"! One of my brothers is a used car salesman. The salesmen have a little game they play to keep from getting bored. They try to get the customer to follow them around the whole car lot. The winner get his lunch free. And if a salesmen can get a customer to crawl all the way under a car they buy him dinner! Maybe the brothers do the same kind of thing. They try to come up with the stupidest, most ridiculous, comparisons and see if the GB buy it! Maverick
"...And brothers, are we not proud to say that 'yes, we have no [lone] bananas here today!'?" *thunderous applause*
LMAO at avengers.
Hey, Nilfun, always great to see you!
Likewise, Berylblue
lol@ sumfun. *yes we have no bananas* lol
*waves south @ Perry*
How you guys doin'? We should go camping when the weather turns! (or floating before it turns!)