This is an interesting topic. I should give the mystical answer of "me", but I know that's not what you mean. (Actually, I am the most influential person in terms of me leaving....."all knowledge is inevitably self knowledge" said Bruce Lee....ah, enough with the Zen crap and let's get on with it)
Just as it is difficult to pinpoint just one thing as to why I left the dubs, it is equally difficult to focus on just one person as to who helped me out. If I had to give an answer it would probably be Ray Franz writings since they shed light on areas that no one else was privy to. Thanks Ray.
On the other hand, long before I came to this board or talked with him a guy by the name of Alan Feurbacher had written a number of articles all over the web dealing with the problems in JW science ("JW science" truly the most oxymoronic term in the English language). He wrote about evolution, carbon 14 dating, the flood, chronology and the like. Since these issues formed the bedrock of my doubts I felt as if he did all the research for me and I just had to read and think about it! Yes, he helped me quite a bit even though I had no idea who he was at the time. Thanks Alan.
J. Bradley Potts
Chicago District Overbeer