Ever hear of the term "Rice Christians"? This is the term given to many Christians in poor countries, A church comes in and begins to open up soup kitchens, schools and hospitals in hopes of attracting members. The people go only because of the food they receive, since rice is cheap, they call them "rice Christians,"
Today I was fellowshipping with a Bible Student missionary who travels back and fiorth with her family to Africa to aid Bible Students out there. She told me that in Africa, there are many tribes with their own chiefs, so in order for any group to witness among the community, they must first meet with the chief, As you meet him, it's always the same, "I'll bring the community to you", sometimes hundreds and thousands of people, but they also want to know when the hospitals and schools will begin to be built, his hand is also open for a handout.
The Bible Students tell them, "hey, we just want to preach Jesus to the masses, we're not interested in building schools, hospitals and greasing your palms.
She told me that many Christian groups get in and receive the following because their willing to grease the palsms opf the various chielfs in charge and begin to build hospitals, schools and soup kitchens.
She told me one of the largest of the groups in this work are the Jehovah's Witnesses, but apparently the Society in these poor countries are attracting "Rice Christians." Because they peole come to the meetings and convention only for the food. She told me that the great majority of the people ae young children, no doubt whose parents send them to get a free meal. However, to the Society, young minds are great or conforming and indoctrinating.
I find it amazing that the Society in the past has criticized the Churches for the very same thing they are now engaged in.
It is also no doubt that such ministries in feeding people and aiding them in order to get converts are the headlines they promote in their "Awake!" magazines, when they tell of the aid they give to people in poor countries. For years iot was believed that "yeah, they only help themselves" but in reality they have been helping non-witnesses, for a price ... the price of conversion.