JW's are always in some business venture of one sort or another. I knew of some in the congregation that didn't do business with brothers and sisters because they'd gotten burnt too many times. I knew of others that felt obliged to buy something from fellow Witnesses, especially elders. I also knew of some that, if they felt the brother was doing too well, would not give their patronage due to jealousy.......So what about you? Were you involved in business activities with JW's or were you more comfortable dealing with the "world".
Did You Feel Obliged To Do Business With The "Brothers"or Did You Not Care?
by minimus 32 Replies latest jw friends
I would only use JW businesses when it was really convenient to do so. If I liked the "brother" then I did it just to give him some business, because I liked him and not just because he was a JW.
I didn't feel that the "worldly" businesspeople were any less trustworthy, in general, then the JW's who ran their own business.
I knew a brother who was a car mechanic. I always have new cars, so I always go to the garage where I bought the car, to do it's maintenance and if they find a problem, it goes on the car's guarantee and I don't pay. But when I was a witness, I went to the brother's garage to do my oil change. He said that he charged less an hour than my garage, and he was right. My garage charged 60$ an hour while he chaged only 45$ an hour.
But figure this out: an oil change at my garage costs 30$ and an oil change at the brothers garage costs 40$.
The difference was that the brother had to order the appropriate oil filter for my car, because he never had them in stock, while my garage had them in stock, so it always cost less to deal with my garage at 60$ an hour.
Many brothers and sister deal at this brothers garage, and they all get screwed. But they encourage him, because he is a brother. When I was inactive, I went to his garage just for a tire valve rubber cap, because mine was missing, and he told me to get it elsewhere...
No, I would never go back there.
Never felt obliged.in fact in some ways the Society tried to discourage brothers having business relationships and always stressed the "paper agreements" principle. The written stance of the Society was actually proper and reasonable.
From what I saw many brothers DID take advantage of "the brotherhood" and did misuse theocratic associations for their own end - a sub topic from this really is the question Would you employ JWS - my answer is NEVER I have too many scars from giving brothers opportunities and being taken for a ride - I felt obliged to employ brothers but what a mistake that was - uncaring (about their work), unfair and demanding was how I would describe brothers I have employed.
Would not do business now on principle - but then again they would not do business with me because I am "out" - or would my money speak louder than words - ?
I remember those days... my dad got burned buying a van from a brother who had rebuilt the engine and transmission on it. It reeked of gasoline and leaked oil like an oil well.
My dad finally got up the gumption to return it and got his money back.
I also saw brothers providing shoddy products and services for quick build KHs.
My experiences taught me that I am not obligated to do business with anyone. It later served me well (sort of) in my computer consulting work. My supervisor at one contract tried to get me into one of those pyramid things... like Amway or something. She told me that the meeting was for "entrepreneurial" types like me... so I eagerly attended... only to be VERY disappointed to find out what it was really about.
I politely declined. I also had my contract canceled. Bitch.
We have a JW opthamologist in our area, and of course all the bigwigs from New York come out here for free treatment, and he has a huge business, of mostly JW's I would guess. I went to him a few times, but since we don't have that kind of insurance, we got to where we couldn't afford him. I found other same kind of eye doctors, who charge much, much less, and are better.
I never liked the prescription I got from him, and got a different one less than a year later, from the new eye doctor. At the time, we were loyal dubbies so I never said the real reason we stopped going to him, so as not to hurt his business. He was freaking expensive!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe he is passing along the fees for the Bethel biggies to his JW patients.
My Dad had a huge practice (he was a Naturopathic Physician) and I'll bet it was 1/2 JW's. He gave them all a break on their bills and often wrote them off, and delivered babies free for poor ones. The word spread. Mom hated that he did that, but he had a big heart. He was still very successful, and made lots of money. Of course, it's all gone now, and he is living in our house.
Stacy Smith
Well I've gotten busy with a brother but I never felt obligated to exchange money.
My dad was burned twice and gave up business with brothers from then on. He didn't care if a brother was half price he wanted nothing to do with them. He said all to often they hide behide the "can't sue a brother" issue.
and when the elders have to get involved, they might tell the person that since a brother can't sue another brother that they would have to have a judicial committee meeting and if the person winds up getting disfellowshipped, the JW can rightly sue. Usually, at that point the 2 parties would compromise......When I think about it, it is sooo true that the elders are involved in every part of a person's life.
I got to the point where I would not even return phone calls from witnesses! I would not refer them or use their services either! Whenever a brother came up to me out of the blue and started getting friendly with me or wanted to go out in service with me, my guard went up. I am a trusting person but with the duds, any change in their behavior was a red flag. Every single time, this change in attitude was matched by a change in address or an addition to their current dwelling! I got to hate even talking about tile/marble or remodeling with the duds. They wanted to use my trucks or equipment and tools or my knowledge. And when they were done, so was their interest in me! Maverick
I rarely if ever use Witness run businesses and would prefer not to have them as patients. Most can't afford my fees. So good for me!