Did You Feel Obliged To Do Business With The "Brothers"or Did You Not Care?

by minimus 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • wednesday

    I have in the past tried to do business with the brothers. But everytime i did, i was generally sorry.. For one thing, my experience has been they do not warenty their work. If i complain, they take it as a personal offense and i could find myself talking to a bunch of elders next thing. thanks very much, but i will do business with people that warrenty their stuff in writing and if i complain, don't view it as personal, just business.

  • shamus


    I sure missed your obscure yet interesting questions. Why do people not like them? I dunno.... they are interesting!

    I would NEVER do business with people. Got burned too many times! I never, ever did any business with anyone who was a dub, end of story. They were terrible.


  • minimus

    Why thank you Shamus! That was very nice!.....Glad you're back!......Imagine having to speak to the elders because your car or house had some work done on it?.......If you get a crummy laborer JW working on your vehicle or home, you may have to go to the elders to get justice......STOOOPID

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