Trust is a fundamental requirement for sucessful living. It is the foundation of all our actions and interactions. Without it we are impotent, fearful, creatures living cold emplty lives!
My core belief is to take people at face value until proven otherwise. Many take the very opposite view. Each has it advantages and I am not trying to defend my particular belief system, hell I might change my mind! I do know my parents developed in me a feeling of their trust and I have tried to do the same with my daughter.
For the sake of keeping this simple, the type of trust I am talking about is NON SEXUAL! Everything seem to end up with sex here so let's leave that out!
Example, I leave my home in the care of my daughter for months at a time. She has lived up to this and I feel she is a better person for it. I bought a new pickup truck when I came back from my last trip. It had 11 miles on it, sweet! I let my daughter drive the first day. I let one of my employees take it that Friday to take his girl friend to the movies, his was in the shop! I believe in showing these people that I trust them and they have lived up to the image I have set out for them. Will they mess up? Maybe, but they know I trust them and that they are basically good and trust worthy folks.
The WatchTower violated the trust I placed in them...They told me I could trust them, that God was backing them. Once I knew they were liars the trust was gone and it ain't comming back...ever.
How trusting are you? And how do you show the ones you trust that trust? Maverick