Okay...who are the "girly girls" here

by berylblue 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    Quite a few here seem to find the scent important. When it comes to scent I prefer to smell them not a perfume. The natural smell and taste is a turnon.

  • Maverick

    That is a very good point Ms Smith. The right scent is very sensual. Most ladies just know this. It's the guys that pour the stuff all over them, using the logic," if a little is good a lot is better" mentality. Wrong guys. They should not get your scent unless they are very close! Maverick

  • obiwan

    And , what is your "natural" smell today, Stacey? hmmmmm??

  • happyout

    Xena, SP and I are on the same page.

    I can count on one hand the times I've worn more makeup this year. As a matter of fact, it's two, both for very special occasions when my picture was going to be taken. Otherwise, my daily makeup is eyeline only (I look tired without it).

    On the other hand, I love the toes, and polishes. Not my fingernails, for some reason I then smear the polish on papers, etc. I have fairly long healthy nails, people often think I have a french manicure just because of how nice they look.

    I work out several times a week, so my hair is usually in a ponytail. I don't know if many people on this board can relate, but black hair is not wash and go, and I don't have time to "do" it every few days.

    I like the smell good stuff, but have sensitive skin, so don't use a lot of it. I used to wear dresses all the time, as well as business suits, but now I hate stockings so much, I almost always wear pants. I'm a bit old fashioned, I don't like to see women in suits without nylons.

    I have my own parafin wax dipper, and at least two pedicure sets.


  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith
    what is your own smell today

    OK, this is sensual, dim the lights, make sure no one can see, ready?


  • obiwan
    what is your own smell today

    OK, this is sensual, dim the lights, make sure no one can see, ready?


    mmmmmm, smells like chicken

  • Swan

    I tend to be this way. I am one of the few women in the office to use make-up on a daily basis. I love lipstick.

    I always wear earrings and have been fascinated with them since I was a child staring at my grandmother's extensive collection on several earring trees. Earrings are the basic fall-back gift that my husband can always buy me at Christmas or on my birthday and know they will be both appreciated and used.

    I wear a soft scent perfume. When bathing I use scented bathing lotions, etc.

    I shave my legs and underarms at least weekly if not more often because I can't stand the hair and it just feels nicer after shaving.

    I wash and style may hair every morning with blow dryer, brush, and curling iron. I love going to the salon for a cut or a perm and being pampered.

    I don't have my fingernails done very often, but often file and buff them myself. I tend to keep them long. I don't usually use any polish. In the summer I paint my toenails bright red, but didn't this summer due to some depression.

    I have noticed that depression has an affect on my personal appearance. When I get depressed I am more inclined to skip some of the above steps. Also, since my weight gain I tend not to dress up much any more. I wear jeans, Nike's, and tops, including t-shirts, more than skirts and dresses.

    I last wore a dress to my granddaughters wedding on August 3rd and felt like a blimp. My weight and my depression are tied together I think.

    So that's me.


  • Maverick

    Tammy, have you thought that maybe you feel depressed because you don't dress up? I am in no way trying to diminish your feelings. In acting, wearing the costume often helps put a person in character. I know when I am sick I shower, shave and dress. This seem to help me feel better about myself. As Fernando Lamas said,(per Billy Crystal) "Better to look good than feel good!" Maverick

  • Nickey

    Am I "girly girl"? Only recently I suppose. However, I don't wear make-up. I usually wear lip gloss or dab on lipstick. I've never worn foundation or mascara once. Sometimes I wear heels. But I have slipped down steps a few times. I DO mess with my hair alot and get caught at the beauty counters at the malls. But they always offer free samples and I can't pass that up. I don't like heavy perfumes. Just light scents. Godda have lots of bubbles for the bath and the Dove body wash/soap. It moisturizes and keeps your skin soft. I have so much junk in my bathroom.

    I admit I love to SHOP. I spent over 2 hours in one store. Unknowingly of course. I mostly wear jeans and baby-tees with open toe shoes. And yes I do my feet and paint my toes. lol

    Maybe I am girly girl now. I was a tomboy for the longest time. Not too prissy though... just like to look nice every now and then.

  • Ravyn

    I am 'all woman' according to my husband. but I don't think of that as 'girly'. when I hear 'girly' I think of some of the ninny friends I have had who were helpless and stupid just because they thot it would get them a date.


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