Adam and Eve---Mere Myth ?

by Blueblades 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • Blueblades

    Even when we dismiss the Bible,belief in an original paradise that was lost because of sin was wide-spread among the ancient Babylonians,Assyrians, Egyptians,and others.Common to many accounts was a tree of life the fruit of which would confer eternal life on those partaking of it.So mankind remembera that something tragic happened in Eden.

    Scientists acknowledge that the human race is a single family with a common origin.

    So,Bible or not,could there be any truth,proof,about this event,is it possible to have eternal life on earth or, are the stories among the ancients only Myths?


  • frenchbabyface

    to me : myth ... (anyway no proof about)

  • micheal

    It sounds like something from a child's fairly tale book. Snakes talking to humans, Woman created from a rib, tree of this, tree of that, perfection lost SO EASILY, Satan, Demons. Is there anything that happens today that happend during the time of Adam and Eve?

  • patio34

    Good point Blueblades. But it could also be explained that it was in the original civilization, the Sumerians I believe, that had the original myth and other peoples retold it with some variations. They didn't believe it as myth, however, but as truth.

    About two years ago, when I 1st exited I read a lot about the Sumerians account of paradise, the serpent, the rib, and the woman. It seemed to be the original account.



  • Yerusalyim

    Curious discussing this issue with some Jewish friends...its seems that the story of the rib might not actually be what the Hebrew in Genesis conveys...but rather that Eve was taken from Adam's side...almost as if Adam, the first man was fully both genders. Just wanted to throw that in for good measure...kind puts Adam and Eve on a more even keel.

    I thought the scientific evidence said that we all shared the mitocondreal DNA (I've butchered the spelling) of Lucy from the African Savanah.

  • drwtsn32

    This makes me think of why evolution and the bible simply don't mix... If Adam and Eve are merely allegorical, then it throws a huge monkey wrench in the whole "original sin" concept. Without "original sin", the concept of us needing Jesus sacrifice is a joke. "Original sin" couldn't have happened unless there was a pair of humans "at the beginning", they sinned, and then they had children and passed on that sin.

    This is exactly why I cannot believe in both evolution and the bible. I don't see how you can merge the two into one theory that works without destroying the core message of the bible.

  • Jim_TX

    Myth - yes, it makes a good story - right up there with Aesop.

    Of course... (he says slowly...) there is ALWAYS a smidgen of truth in all fairy tales.


    Jim TX

  • SYN

    My personal feelings on this matter are that humanity has been around for a hell of a lot longer than most scientists think - perhaps hundreds of thousands of years longer. This is all very tentative from my side - I can't prove anything, of course, and as such it's just an interesting theory, one that unfortunately goes against the grain of mainstream science, but nonetheless discoveries such as the submerged land bridge between Sri Lanka and India, as well as many other interesting archeological finds, have led me to wonder whether humanity isn't a lot older than it thinks!

  • StinkyPantz
    So,Bible or not,could there be any truth,proof,about this event,

    Yes. . .

    it possible to have eternal life on earth

    Possible, yes; but I'd say improbable.

    are the stories among the ancients only Myths?
    Yes, I'd know.
  • heianderen

    I agree with SYN. Pigmies also have a similar myth. They also believe in some sort of christ, similar to the "Gospelian" christ.


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