LOL@Joannadandy! You lil ol' dancin' machine, you....heheheh
Frannie B
by Frannie Banannie 27 Replies latest jw friends
LOL@Joannadandy! You lil ol' dancin' machine, you....heheheh
Frannie B
This happened when I was in my mid twenties. My buddy Ron and I decided to go out for something to eat, so we rode our motorcycles to a local mall called Sherway Gardens. Right over Simpsons was a restaurant that overlooked the mall interior below, so we went there and sat at the edge of the restaurant so we could watch the shoppers below.
Ron had very bad teeth, and developed a habit of spitting out little bits of food. Well, I gave him shit for doing this, so he did it more just to annoy me. He then spat some food down over the mall area, and we suddenly realized that shoppers were directly below us, and there was a potential for a bit of fun.
We started throwing small bits of food at the shoppers below, but we naturally tried to outdo each other. It didn't help that there were two elderly women just two tables away from us and they were giggling like schoolgirls at our antics. This encouraged us, and the pieces of food we threw at shoppers got progressively larger. So far, the restaurant staff had no clue what we were doing. We had to order a second meal each since the food was all being thrown down into the mall, and we explained to the waiter that the food was SOOOOOO GOOD that we just needed more, and we were growing boys anyway!
Some of the shoppers started to notice all the food lying on the floor - chicken, mashed potatos, steak, puff pastery, and other items - especially after a few slipped, and they were looking up to see where the food was coming from. We decided we had better step up our efforts, and then get out of there. Ron then picked up the remainder of his sundea as I stood up with cheesecake in hand, a piece about the size of my fist. We selected our victims, wound up, and let 'em go! While Ron missed his target, I got lucky, and beaned a woman right in the top of her head with my cheesecake. We then wished the two elderly ladies a nice day, and went to the cash to pay our bills, just in time to see my cheesecake victim's boyfriend complaining to the manager about what happened. He took a look at us, and decided not to start any trouble.
We had so much fun that we decided to go back and do it again a few months later, but you know how it is - the first time is always the best.
Canadian District Overbeer
I was a passenger in my girlfriend's car. She liked to drive really fast. While on the freeway (expressway, highway, whatever you call it where you are), we started flirting with a guy driving a hostess truck. He stuck a business card and cupcake out of his window, and I leaned out the passenger window and grabbed it. Now remember, he's in a truck, so I was sitting on the window, leaning out. We were doing approximately 50 miles an hour at the time.
It was fun, but looking back, I was a total idiot!!! And no, neither one of us ever called him.
Published an underground newspaper here at work ridiculing the administration and every convention I could think of.
Renewed my marraige vows with my wife in a restraunt as a suprise for our anniversary...(and had a minister show up for it...a big wedding cake...white roses...and a diamond ring.)
Rented a car with some friends our last weekend in Germany...just to drive around town...and pointed the car to Paris. We did Paris and back in less than 24 hours.
Watched the Grass Grow.
There's other stuff I just can't put out in public.
I love practical jokes.
I used to go into neighboring cubicles and rearrange furniture...turn pictures upside down..etc. When I got here I really started something...I used to be responsible for about 85% of the messing's down to about 30%, but I still get blamed for all of it. Any practicle jokes are blamed on me...until others figured out I was sometimes the victim. My buddy took a saturday and completely emptied out my cublice. except my chair...upon which he left a help wanted was awesome...the worst part was he beat me to it...I had planned on doing the same thing to him...but decided to wait until he went on leave.
About my post (thank for your nice word everyone - but you know I DON'T want to FORGET I d'RATHER NOT and It's OK)
Now :
iiz2cool :
Happyhout :
Yerusalim : 1) - 2) 3/4/5/6) ...
On a dare, I ran thru a coed dorm sans a bra....
I got lucky, and beaned a woman right in the top of her head with my cheesecake. We then wished the two elderly ladies a nice day, and went to the cash to pay our bills, just in time to see my cheesecake victim's boyfriend complaining to the manager about what happened. He took a look at us, and decided not to start any trouble. We had so much fun that we decided to go back and do it again a few months later, but you know how it is - the first time is always the best.
WALTER!!! You bad, baaaad boy....
(gasps) HAPPYOUT!!! SCAAAA-rey!!
Published an underground newspaper here at work ridiculing the administration and every convention I could think of.
Yeru, didja get caught?
Renewed my marraige vows with my wife in a restraunt as a suprise for our anniversary...(and had a minister show up for it...a big wedding cake...white roses...and a diamond ring.)
How romantic!!!
My buddy took a saturday and completely emptied out my cublice. except my chair...upon which he left a help wanted was awesome...the worst part was he beat me to it...I had planned on doing the same thing to him...but decided to wait until he went on leave.
LOL@Yeru! You deserved it, fella!!!
Frannie B
In the early 1970's I hung with a rather rough crowd. They were "importers". One got ...taken into custody on a trafficing charge, not true of course! His brother and I re-aquired his car out of the Police impound. We drove right in like we owned the place, his brother had the spare key to the LTD. and I followed him out of impound in the pickup.
I was talking "philosophy" with the poor, unfortunate, persecuted Sea Captain mentioned above one day when the phone rang. Seems a friend of ours was in a spot of trouble down the street. The captain grabbed his .45cal Thompson submachinegun, put it in a plastic trash bag, I grabbed a .32 and off we went! We pulled up in the green LTD, (see story above) jumped out and headed for the screen door. We could hear the fight from the driveway! I held back and checked our six as the captain hit the door. I heard that bolt slam back and all the noise in the house stopped! I stepped in to see our friend on the floor with some other fellow and the captain holding the .45cal in one hand and punching the other guy with his other hand. I stepped up and the captain handed off the gun to me. I turned and held two young guys up against the wall with the machine gun. They looked a little terrified, can't imagine why. I probably would not have shot them! We got the friends stuff and backed our way out of the house. When we were in the car I opened the glove box and set my .32 on the opened box. The two young guys came out, not smart, and came over to the LTD. I just watched them and never looked away. They told us they were sorry and not involved, like we cared, and when they saw the gun sitting there I thought they were going to crap! We when home and had dinner and a good laugh!
Was at the captains one day and the neighbor girl came over and told us this guy gave her and her boyfriend a ride home and now would not leave. Being the good and caring people we were, we went and checked it out. This guy was huge! There were four of us and the captain went over to talk to him. The guy put his hand on the top of the captains head and pushed him down like an accordion. One of the other men with us, who was 6'2", had circled around behind the badguy and jumped up on to him. The other friend, Doc Spade, ran right into the badguys' midsection. Then the captain got up and all three of these guy were just whopping the crap out of this guy. There was no room for me to even hit the dope! After what seemed like ten minutes, but was certainly much shorter, the guy went down and the captain jumped on his back and grabbed his hair with both fists and started pounding the badguys head into the dirt. Then he saw the driveway and started working the guys face over to the cement. I saw this the ran over and pulled him off. If we were going to kill him let's take him away from our homes! The guy started to get up and the captain flung me off and stepped up and kicked the guy square in the face. He nailed the guy so hard it stood the guy straight up! The guy ran off and collapsed on the lawn two houses away! We thought this might be a good time to leave. As the cops came up to the house the neighbor girl told them only the captain fought the guy. They were impressed. Seems the butt-head just got out of jail on bail for beating up six guys in a bar. The cops shook the captains hand! We had a big party after that.
I could go on and tell you about my leg getting in front of a bullet, but this is enough! Maverick
The day I broke my ley was a bit zaney. You know how at busy house parties full of students you can end up queing for the toilet? Well most men have that unique talent of being able to avoid the queue by releaving themselves in the garden, particularly on a dark night in a secluded area, without causing a comotion. I mean, I was busting, if you can truly believe just how much young Brits can drink in one night!
So, I went out into the back garden where I had never step foot before and also in pitch black and promptly fell over a cliff! I heard the crack as my leg snapped near to the ankle, but having had so much beer, promptly stood up again, this time feeling pain and dropping to the floor. It took about 15 minutes for me to find away to crawl up the embankment, I banged on the door, then managed to lift myself up to the door bell, and I said to my friend (who was drunk), "I'm not f***ing about, call me an ambulance", to which he promptly replied "you're an ambulance", turned around and started singing "he's an ambulance" about the house.
When an ambulance did finally arrive, 3 paramedics came in, took one look at me and dissappered INTO THE PARTY! Well it wasn't until after I came out of hospital two weeks later I found out why; it was a halloween party and I was wearing ripped shirt and jeans, fake cuts and scratches to my skin and protruding guts and was covered head to toe with fake blood. Apparently they hadn't laughed so much in years and hadn't wanted to do so in front of they're slighly shaken patient.
On a dare, I ran thru a coed dorm sans a bra....
His brother and I re-aquired his car out of the Police impound. We drove right in like we owned the place, his brother had the spare key to the LTD. and I followed him out of impound in the pickup.
I grabbed a .32 and off we went!
I turned and held two young guys up against the wall with the machine gun.
I could go on and tell you about my leg getting in front of a bullet
Maverick, you are one tough hombre, dude!! Do you still "live on the edge" like this?
I went out into the back garden where I had never step foot before and also in pitch black and promptly fell over a cliff! I heard the crack as my leg snapped near to the ankle,
When an ambulance did finally arrive, 3 paramedics came in, took one look at me and dissappered INTO THE PARTY! Well it wasn't until after I came out of hospital two weeks later I found out why; it was a halloween party and I was wearing ripped shirt and jeans, fake cuts and scratches to my skin and protruding guts and was covered head to toe with fake blood. Apparently they hadn't laughed so much in years and hadn't wanted to do so in front of they're slighly shaken patient.
awwwww, Ballistic...that's not funny....(mmph).....(snicker).......(snicker, snort)..... .....okay....(guffaws) IS funny.......but probably hurt a LOT when it happened.
Frannie B