US anti-abortionist faces execution

by ignored_one 217 Replies latest social current

  • avishai
    Abortion as birth control would be sickening but it's not the norm by any stretch. Do you have any concrete evidence that it is? Of the women I know that have had abortions not a one of them has used it as birth control. None of them have even become pregnant again. One of them went so far as to get her tubes tied in her early twenties so she would never have to go through it again

    Aztec, I agree with many of your points. Most people on both sides don't think it's fun . But to say just because you don't know anyone who uses it as birth conrol means that it ain't so is naive & flawed logic. I personally know one woman that has three children. She has also had EIGHT abortions. Her sister has had at least as many. I know another lady that is about to go for her fourth. I work in a group home for severely emotionally disturbed children, & have come across many similar cases. It is far more prevelant than you may know, especially among poor and uneducated women. No offense intended, but you are very articulate, & it seems that you would associate with others like you, intelligent women who may have made a mistake. There is a different attitude out there, & just because you & the women you know don't share it, does'nt make it non-existent. By the way, I'm pretty neutral on this issue, not rabidly pro or anti.

  • Aztec

    na·ive or na·ïve ( P ) Pronunciation Key (nna·if or na·ïf (n

    1. Lacking worldly experience and understanding, especially:
      1. Simple and guileless; artless: a child with a naive charm.
      2. Unsuspecting or credulous: “Students, often bright but naive, bet
    2. Showing or characterized by a lack of sophistication and critical judgment: “this extravagance of metaphors, with its naive bombast” (H.L. Mencken).
      1. Not previously subjected to experiments: testing naive mice.
      2. Not having previously taken or received a particular drug: persons naive to marijuana.
      3. If you want to be insulted have at it. I did not mean to insult you. I thought your comments were young and guileless.Some people live to be insulted because they have a martyr complex. Some just like drama and some are just naive.

        If you choose to be insulted well, have at it! That was not my intent and if you wish to take it that way, I really don't care one whit! Your arguementation is weak. If you expect to be taken seriously based on what you've said, get on the Yeru bandwagon! He may be your only cheerleader. I applaud you on being open about your sexuality at such a young age! You show some signs of growth beyond what others your age generally show. Good luck to you and please keep an open mind as regards to such issues as abortion. Life is an experience to be enjoyed and a chance to grow! Enjoy it!


    3. Stacy Smith
      Stacy Smith

      Aztec you get the final word. I submit. If I cared what you thought I would continue this, but I do not.

    4. Aztec


      When did I become the poster child for pro-choice?

      "But to say just because you don't know anyone who uses it as birth conrol means that it ain't so is naive & flawed logic."

      I did not say that noone uses it as birth control! I said that noone I know uses it as such. Good grief!

      Six, what can I say but...I agree...

      Going to bed cause I'm tired of arguing with people who "just don't get it"


    5. StinkyPantz


      I'd appreciate if you addressed my original post to you.

      Jesus said you're either with me or against me...if you're not pro-life you're in favor of allowing abortions...which makes you pro abortion.

      I am not pro-abortion. I could not see myself ever having one. I do think that other people should have the choice to have one though, for safety concerns. When abortions were not legal, many women (young girls, rape victims, incest victims) in extremely desperate situations went to shady, unsanitary doctors and many died. I do not like the idea of a woman having an abortion because having a child is an inconvenience. So you saying that not being pro-life means I am pro-abortion is not accurate. I do not advocate abortion, but I do see the good behind it being legal. Everything is not as black and white as you'd like to make it.

      Also, you seem to be trying to alienate and insult people that do not agree with you. . but I have noticed this is your style. I am offended by your usage of such terms as "baby-murderers" and such. I am all for discussing this with you, but I'd appreciate if you showed the same respect that you are shown.

    6. Aztec

      Oh yay! I get the final word! Whatever...

      Like I said...some people choose to be insulted whether or not it was the intent...


      PS Grow up!

      Raybies, please edit me cause I am just out of control...GRRRRRR! I'm getting so frustrated with the non thinking sorts. I should take a long break away from here eh?

    7. avishai

      Whoa, slow down! Not insulted! That's just the way I understood your post! just a discussion.

    8. StinkyPantz


      She was talking to Stacey I think. . .and is that your pic? Hmmm. . .


      I should take a long break away from here eh?
      Don't you dare!! I got your back girl!
    9. Stacy Smith
      Stacy Smith

      avishai the insult comment was directed towards me, not you. I told Aztec that her comments towards me about being young and naive were meant as an insult, then Aztec went to the dictionary to prove a point and I submitted because I don't care. Aztec then said it was bedtime because Aztec didn't like talking to people who "don't get it" so of course that wasn't an insult either.

      Hopefully I will retain some youthful qualities that will not allow me to become so embittered that I can't recognize an insult when I give one.

    10. Aztec

      I wasn't talking about you Avishai! I respect you and your opinion alot!

      I was talking to someone else who is, obviously insulted by my opinion. I disagree with you but I respect you immensly hon.


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