A few thoughts on these issues.
First, I am glad that Hall was put to sleep last evening at about 6:30pm. What he did was wrong. He was judged guilty and has now paid the penalty of which he was fully aware before the crimes commission.
Second, the right to Choice is part of our US Constitution
Third, Nationalism and Propaganda are 2 different things. For instance propaganda for a cause you believe in may not be a lie however the information is given a spin so people will come to the conclusion you desire. That's not bad, not even negative. Nationalism is really believing your always right. So much so that you'll imprison those who don't agree with you. McCarthyism was Nationalism. Nazism was Nationalism. Mussollini's Fascism was Nationalism. Chile's coup (the one w/ US help) was Nationalism....the list goes on and on...
Fourth, You won't be able to pigeon hole me --- I am pro-death penalty AND pro-choice AND I supported President Bush in his decisive action against the Taliban and Iraq.(read behind the burqa) I am pro-NRA AND pro-secularist AND pro-feminist AND anti-gov't involvement in my personal choices (the legal ones anyway) AND pro-drug legalization AND Pro-prostitution legalization (I feel this would benefit the "working girls") AND pro-education (non-institutionalized) AND pro-punctuated equilibria. So as you see I am an incredibly positive pro-person.
And BTW do yah'll know that Barbara Bush (former first lady and present first mother) is pro-choice. A stand which she enlightened reporters to while she still lived in the White House. I love that woman!