Johnny Depp Likens U.S. to 'Dumb Puppy'

by closer2fine 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • closer2fine

    Johnny Depp Likens U.S. to 'Dumb Puppy'

    Sep 3, 11:00 AM (ET)

    BERLIN (AP) - American actor Johnny Depp likened his native country to a "dumb puppy that has big teeth" in an interview published Wednesday, ridiculing Washington's confrontation with France, where he lives, over the war in Iraq.

    The "Edward Scissorhands" and "Sleepy Hollow" star, who spends much of his time in the south of France with his companion, Vanessa Paradis, and their two small children, told the German magazine he couldn't see himself paying more than short visits to his Los Angeles residence in the present political climate.

    "America is dumb, is something like a dumb puppy that has big teeth - that can bite and hurt you, aggressive," Depp was quoted as saying.

    Depp recalled that French fries were renamed "Freedom" fries in the House cafeteria on Capitol Hill at the height of U.S. anger over France's refusal to back the administration of President George W. Bush over the war in Iraq.

    "Nothing made me happier than when I read that - grown men and grown women in positions of power in the United States government," Depp said. "I was ecstatic because they revealed themselves as idiots."

    Depp said he wanted his two children, ages 1 and 4, to experience the United States "like it's a kind a toy - a broken toy maybe. Investigate a little bit, check it out, get this feeling and then get out."

  • Yerusalyim

    Johnny Depp is an idiot. He has a right to be an idiot...but that doesn't make him any less an idiot. He's welcome to stay in France as long as he wants.

  • freedom96

    I don't understand why actors can't just be actors. Do what you enjoy to do, let us enjoy watching your movies, then shut the hell up!

    Why do we care what Johnny Depp thinks of the United States? Are we supposed to really "Wow! What a great point Mr. Depp!" while he is in his drug induced haze?

  • nilfun

    Vive la Difference!

  • joannadandy
    Why do we care what Johnny Depp thinks of the United States? Are we supposed to really "Wow! What a great point Mr. Depp!"

    Let's re-word that shall we, and see what effect it has...

    Why do we care what (insert any poster name at JWD) thinks of (any issue hashed and re-hashed most likely, on JWD)? Are we supposed to really "Wow What a great point, (poster name from JWD)."

    While I don't agree with him, and think he is pretty pretentious when it comes to his "craft", it is his opinion. For some reason we are only willing to allow average joe schmoe's an opinion. Anyone famous is supposed to shut up about how they really feel. Oh except the president.

    I just don't get it, and I really don't see how you people, being avid internet message board members, think some people deserve to shout whatever they want, while other people should just keep quiet. Let's see how easy it would be for you to suddenly keep all your opinions to yourself.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Gee, he sure didn't mind taking 'dumb' American money early on in his career.

  • Simon

    ah ... the old "we don't want anyone to give an opinion but ours" stance.

    He's just as entitled to his opinion which may be different or the same as yours or mine. If we only allowed opinions that were the same as our own, what a terrible place the world would be (obviously, not if they were my opinions - that would be great)

  • stillajwexelder

    People like Johnny Dep who bite the hand that feeds them make me sick

  • czarofmischief

    It's a stupid opinion, but that's why I pay to watch him act, not to think. He is an incredible actor.


  • Yerusalyim

    He's a good actor...Sean Connery and Jack Nicholson are great actors.

    He has a right to his opinion...I have the right to say he's an idiot...AND THE TRUTH SHALL MAKE YOU FREE.

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