"He's as happy as a pig in sh*t."
Your Favorite Colloquialisms?
by Frannie Banannie 35 Replies latest jw friends
Frannie Banannie
he was an abusive person.
awwww, Wednesday....I'm so sorry you went thru that....I've had that type of hyper-criticism dealt to me from different sources throughout my life....mainly from men, but not excluding women...(((hugs)))
"He's as happy as a pig in sh*t."
LOL@WG! Yall's "colloquialisms" reminded me of a few more:
"Her/His butt looks like two pigs fightin' in a sack"
"Couldn't find his/her way out of a wet paper bag..."
Frannie B
My Mom used to say:
"He looks like he's been throwin' pebbles in the toilet bowl." Meaning this person had lots of freckles.
"That sofa's as saggy as Aunt Mary's nag." Meaning saggy sofa which looked like a horse.
"Jesus, Mary, and Joseph , the Lord above and Saints preserve us." The original trinity and the back up singers.
Panda smiles
Uglier than a mud fence.
Shut my mouth and call me mumbles.
Quicker then crap through a goose. -
Descriptions of less than attractive people:
"A face like a slapped arse"
"Looked like a bulldog chewing a wasp"
"Looked like a bulldog licking piss off a nettle"
"A face like a bag of spanners".
"as dumb as a bucket of rocks"
"a face like the back end of a bulldog"
referring to a baby or puppy: "so cute I could put you on a bun and eat you with mustard."
Frannie Banannie
LOL@Panda! Those are adorable!
LOL@Teej! I hadn't heard that second one before....
LOL@fe203girl! But I'd really like to know....what DOES a bulldog licking piss off a nettle LOOK like...lol....and what's a "spanner"?
LOL@Suzi! Those are "keepers", cherie! Reminds me of one I heard about having "more wrinkles than a bulldog's butt"
Frannie B
Her ass looks like two rhinos fighting under a blanket.
Slicker than owl sh*t. (not sure if owl poo is any slicker than other poo)
Happy as a pig in sh*t.
Cute as a sackful of puppies.
I picked up a couple from my stepdad. He used to call a messy dirt road after rain a "loblolly". Or he had to pee so bad his eye teeth were floating.
Referring to someone's car that has a lot of problems: "you need to take the radiator cap off and drive something else up under it." A car with the floorpan rusted through is a "Fred Flintstone". An older Chrysler product in a bad state of disrepair is an "Al Bundy".
My manager's favorite with me is "you're so deaf you couldn't hear a bulldozer going thru a nitroglycerin factory".
And a few others I thought of.......
She'd make a freight train take a dirt road.
She'd make a pit bull climb a plate glass window.
I'm gonna hit you so hard your babies will be born naked.
She'd stop an eight day clock.
I'll see y'all again second Wednesday of next week.
"it's hotter than a two peckered billy-goat"
You guys are too funny! I love weird local slang I think because I live in a hotbed of it. The best colloquialisms from around here are:
Roostin in the pits - throwing rooster tails behind your large truck as you drink heavily in a sand pit. It's a favorite local pastime.
Banung - Means doesn't work in Ojibwe, in the local slang it is used in reference to males implying an important part of their anatomy doesn't work.
Swampy - Overpoweringly odiferous city slicker who has just returned from a week long camping vacation without bathing once despite the copious amount of water in the area. (Minnesota - land of 10,000 lakes, hello!)