This year I am going to write my thesis about the End Time, Armageddon, ...
Do you have knowledge of other religious movements or sects who believe in a sort of end of the world as we know it. Please comment. Is there always a "destruction" of the others (unbelievers)? Would you say believing in such a thing is a pessimistic or an optimistic world view? (remember: Paradise is right around the corner? ;))
Thank you,
Prins Vaillant
More information needed regarding End Time Religions/Sects
by Prins Vaillant 13 Replies latest jw friends
Prins Vaillant
Garybuss would know.
The book The End of Time by Damian Thompson is a very good introduction to the subject.
welcome Prins V!
the english word for end times is: eschatology
you might do a search on it. Also besides Armageddon, there are other names. some of them are:
Ragnarok, War between the Sons of Light and The Sons of Darkness, Apocalypse, Doomsday.
and some good sites:
I think the baptists are still waiting on the rapture . I remember some catholics that believe the earth will fall into the sun . I see some televangelists like jack van impe who believe in the coming messianic kingdom .
Prins Vaillant
Thank you for you reactions... It feels kinda weird, after six years of visiting and possibly clicking on every link to this to be called a newbee. Very hilarious. :-)
For your efforts, I will reveal my current studies ;) ... I'm studying Anthropology... But was also a pioneer in my "best years" - my youth - for 5 years. It's my luck I have another chance studying "wordly" knowledge. :)
Bear in mind that JW's are an offshoot of the several Adventist groups, such as Seventh Day Adventists (SDA). Start there, but you might look for the few other surviving (and much smaller in number) groups of BIBLE STUDENTS.
The JW's don't like the notion that they are part of a "family tree" of other religions, but this puts it all in perspective. I'll PM you with a link.
Some time ago, I read a book called Soothsayers of the Second Advent, by William Alnor. It's been a while, but as I recall, it gave a pretty good overview of modern end-times predictions. I'm not sure it's still in print, but if you can score a copy, you might find it to be helpful.
The Adventist movement largely started with William Miller, who predicted the end would come in 1843. I believe he also used the year for a day method to intrepret the Bible.