so, that spooky season is almost upon us again. how many of you, will go on haunted house tours or delve into anything spiritistic? i mean we don't want the demons to attach to us, do we?! does this season freak any of you out? owing to the fact that we were spoonfed all about where to find a demon and what to do about them once you encountered one?
haunted houses
by free will 55 Replies latest jw friends
run dont walk
so, that spooky season is almost upon us again. how many of you, will go on haunted house tours or delve into anything spiritistic? i mean we don't want the demons to attach to us, do we?! does this season freak any of you out? owing to the fact that we were spoonfed all about where to find a demon and what to do about them once you encountered one?
went to one my for a good part of my early life, it was called the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses, man what a scary place, I encountered many demons there, wearing suits and ties, all males, most of the female demons in dresses (only), are the nice demons, don't say much and obey the male demons. Spooky place, beware, enter at your own risk !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, you may not come out.
I couldn't care less about halloween myself but always been wanting to visit the wax museum we have here that always has some horror theme going this time of year . I love horror .
i ADORE halloween!! but there arent any good haunted houses that i know of around here, so i'm going out for tricks or treats ;)
I was just thinking about this kind of stuff today myself.
I am totally drawn in by this kinda stuff, even when I was a dub, I always wanted to see scary movies, and try a ouija board etc.
I would love to go to a haunted house, a real one, but I don't know where any are. I am just facinated by this stuff, I dunno why. I'm not sure I believe in demons or spirts. I haven't had an experience myself, so I guess that's why I am curious.
For the first time ever I am going to hand out candy from my house. Yes gone are the days of shutting off all the lights and hiding downstairs. Yes gone are the days of hearing how little adorable children are worshipping demons because they have a white sheet over them with two eye openings going door to door saying "trick or treat". I think I am going to buy a pretty cool costume this year and join the billions in
worshipping demonseating candy. -
Michael - yay! Me too! I am so excited to dress up and take my little sister trick-o-treating!
I live a mere couple of miles from New Jersey's infamous Clinton Road. Click here to read about it. I notice that Hallowe'en is on a Friday night this year; it might be worth taking a midnight ride up Clinton Road just to see how many crazies are populating it...
wow, the clinton road story is scary. I esp liked the one about the hospital worker on night shift, and the woman who claimed she was a witch. I worked in Psych ER, and once had jesus christ and satan on the same ward.
free will
wow, reading these stories put a chill in my bones! i think i must still have a little too much dub in me!