Tribute to the Troops (USA)

by Uzzah 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • Yerusalyim


    Thanks...from the bottom of my brought tears to my eyes.

    To all the nay sayers...BITE ME!

    Besides...what's wrong with propaganda? Just because it's propaganda doesn't make it a lie.

    What a world we live in when Patriotism is seen as a bad thing. God save me from the liberals that would destroy us.

  • patio34

    Thanks Uzzah. I appreciate the soldiers who are willing to die to protect our citizens. I am a very patriotic person and a liberal. Despite what is the opinion of Yeru, I feel very sad that our sons and daughters have to be in such miserable and questionable circumstances that they're forced into now. I support the troops like a lot of military families do right now and that IS TO BRING THEM HOME and quit sacrificing them needlessly.

    Yeru, please don't equate patriotism with blind allegiance to a particular administration. Dissent is democracratic too, remember? Or doesn't your "patriotism" allow for dissent--or democracy? I really don't understand your stance at all. I love America and want the very best for the people, instead of what's happening. That's my right as a citizen, remember? Why are you so closed off to any other viewpoints? And exceptionally insulting to anyone who doesn't agree with you?

    I appreciate that you and others like you are willing to put yourselves on the line for the rest of us. But that doesn't mean I have to agree with the current administration nor is it fair to malign those of us who care about the lives of people we attack too, along with the lives of our soldiers who have no choice but to follow orders mostly. I respect you, but feel you should show the same respect to the liberals.


  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    When we say we support the troops we aren't saying we support a government, a president a policy, it's just supporting the troops and I for them wish them all the best. I hope that they can return home to their families safe and sound.

    Several guys my age that I went to school with are in Iraq now. I email a couple of them and I know they have appreciated the support the troops have gotten so far. My father fought in VietNam before he was a dub. He was spat on and disrespected any time he wore his uniform stateside.

    I'm glad that isn't happening this time. It does appear that people here have strong opinions but this thread isn't about politics is it? I believe it's just about support a group of young people that believe they are doing what is right.

  • Prisca

    Propaganda is still propaganda, whether it's propaganda for the Reds, America or JWs.

    Calling this constant barrage of nationalistic propaganda for what it is doesn't mean I don't support the troops. You who have never lived in a different country would not understand how it looks to those of us who are looking in.

    BTW, Aussie troops have been in Iraq, in fact Australia was one of the first countries to support Bush in his plan to "liberate" Iraq. One Aussie soldier has died too.

  • Satanus

    I'm sympathetic to those puppies.


  • xenawarrior


    Thank you. Very good slideshow. The main point of it is just what it says- these brave ones are PEOPLE with families and lives and loves and fears and dreams. They are doing what so many others either can't or aren't willing to and I am grateful for that.

    ((((((((Tracy)))))))) You have every right to be proud of your son !! Please let him know that there are people who appreciate what he is doing.


  • Simon

    I don't think watching some cheesy slideshow on the internet is genuine and useful "support for our troops".

    It may give "us" a warm, cosy feeling like we're doing something but in reality all we've done is click a mouse and sit on our arse. Maybe you could go tell some family who lost their husband / father that you supported them ... you watched the slideshow.

    Meaningful support for the troops and appreciation for what they have done would perhaps involve some effort and sacrifice on our part - perhaps donating to an ex servicemans charity or fund or making sure our politicians don't send them into battle to give their lives for unfounded reasons.

    Forgive me for not getting enthusiastic about a picture show.

  • Trauma_Hound

    Hey, Germany was pretty nationalistic just before WW2. If you want to support the troops, send them care packages, donate to funds set up for vetrans, like simons said. These nationalistic slide shows, are irritating at best.

  • avishai

    Simon, all sarcasm aside, you have a point. Send the boys new sox, chocolate, or even a letter. That is supporting the troops.

  • xenawarrior

    Simon- I think this slideshow was prepared for the troops and their families and I'm sure when they see it they appreciate it. I may be wrong but the credit at the end said it was prepared by the employees of a corporation (sorry, can't remember which one) and I'm sure they prepared it for THEM, not us- we just get to look at it because it's out there.

    It's just another thing out there in addition to many other ways people have found to be supportive. Maybe this was one way for the employees at that corporation to use some of the talent they have to do a little something. Maybe it wasn't easy for some of those who contributed to making it- as they may have been using skills they recently learned- we don't know. Maybe they do other things as well or maybe that's all they did. But they put some work into it. I guess I'd rather look at that contribution as part of a bigger picture and something positive. To each their own I guess..

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