If You Value Love, NEVER Become a Jehovah's Witness!

by metatron 24 Replies latest jw experiences

  • metatron

    I was observing my loyal wife sending out anniversary cards to other Witnesses,

    as she has done for many years. If we were ordinary Protestants, we would probably

    have a Christmas card list.

    Another difference? We would likely get cards in return - which almost never happens

    despite decades of being in the 'truth' and being zealous in many different

    congregations. Jesus said that even Gentiles do good to those doing good to them.

    All too often, Witnesses don't even risen to that minimal level.

    I bump into Brother Chronically Ill at a store. I express concern about his health

    and recommend a new drug treatment many are using with success.

    After finding out I barely attend meetings, he excuses himself.

    How nice to know that brotherly affection is only shown in direct relation to meeting

    attendance! What wonderful imitation of Christ!

    Sister W. shuns her father - who actually is in good standing in the same congregation

    she attends! Without any warning he dies of a massive heart attack.

    As an elder, I used to wonder: Does she ever lay awake at night and let the

    tears roll down her cheeks, while thinking she never got to say "I love you Dad"

    one last time? As I looked at my hall, I realized her hard-hearted attitude was

    common - so much so that arranging groups for service or assigning talks

    in the Ministry School was often difficult because so many "weren't talking to

    each other".

    Shall I go on? Do I need to? Should I tell you about the cold robotic atmosphere

    at Bethel? Should I tell you about how no amount of kindness or years of

    association with my fellow elders ever resulted in any close trusting friendship?

    Need I go on about Witnesses doing business with each other - with cutthroat

    aims and meagre ethics?

    And how about 'worldly people'? You know, the 99.9% of the earth's population

    who are going to be slaughtered by God - Soon! Years of indoctrination made me

    feel like an apostate when I first sent a check to Amnesty Int'l or Habitat for

    Humanity. Join the Watchtower or die does not engender a heart full of

    tender consideration. Take note of the loud heralding done in the Awake

    magazine anytime they can find something unselfish Witnesses actually do

    for others, beyond stuffing tracts in their hand -- or NOT KILLING them

    in warfare ( makes you feel all warm and fuzzy, doesn't it?)

    And the children of Witnesses? I am unable to imagine any greater damage

    or abuse that Witness parents commit that this: failing to emphasize

    charity, compassion - and unconditional love towards others - while filling

    the spiritual vacuum in their children with Watchtower pretense.

    Do you want a selfish child? Do you want them to grow up to be cold,

    neglectful, heartless, unfeeling? Then KEEP FILLING THEIR HEADS


    Countless Witness parents are sadly "reaping what they've sown",

    sitting alone, forgotten, unvisited after years of teaching their kids to be

    good little "Armageddon-expecters" and loyal shunners. When did they

    remember that love is MOST important.

    I knew a vivacious, highly intelligent, independent young woman with a very

    ethnic last name. Since she was in the public eye, I asked her why she didn't get

    a stage name. She replied that she had such high regard for her father, she

    couldn't even think about it.

    I thought about my own distant child, raised in all the cold programming

    of the Watchtower. This 'worldly' woman made me cry.

    I don't offer these anecdotes as rare events - I think they fairly represent what

    the 'truth' has degenerated into these days - a collection of empty-hearted

    pretenses and dead rituals with monthly field service slips that have no

    place to "count" love or charity.

    If you are lurking out there, uncertain and confused, think carefully about

    what I'm telling you. Don't waste years of your life hoping that the organization

    will "change" - loving change can't come from the hearts of elderly Theocrats

    who never had it to start with. Don't expect any "reform" either. Why would

    men who elevate themselves as "faithful and discreet" ever THINK that THEY

    EVER need to "reform". Perish the thought!

    Never allow the Watchtower to dull your appreciation of compassion

    or that of your children.


  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    Bravo! The best combination of wonderful writing, heartfelt emotion, and incisive analysis I've ever seen here! While I applaud the work, I regret the pain that brought it forth, m.

  • Maverick

    Your words speak to my heart.

    Of love, they dissect it, break it down into is most basic elements. Their scholars can trace the origin of its language. But they are unable to digest it and use it to nourish their hearts. They are like a mortician working a DB for a viewing. Devoid of personal attachment to the corpse...(love). Maverick

  • yxl1

    Nail on the head. In a few short paragraphs you've described the reason most people here will NEVER return to that loveless way of life. Anyone who currently attends a KH, reads this post and doesnt question what they are doing has no one to blame for the years of loneliness they will one day experience.

    This line of argument must be used in conjunction with persuading current witnesses their doctrines are wrong. Only then do we have the hope of saving these people (and more importantly their kids) from the kind of life most of us had to endure.


  • berylblue
    Shall I go on? Do I need to

    You didn't need to, but I'm glad you did. How unutterably tragic.

  • Paradise Found
    Paradise Found

    I really appreciated reading this post.


  • Panda

    To jws the heart is a muscle in the body. The coldness is the only way to survive in a cult. Lots of Love talk but no action, at least not after you're baptized. When the WTS plans every waking moment of your life meetings, service, assemblies, personal study of WTS literature, ad nauseum... There is no time for "human kindness ...it's overflowin' and I think it's gonna rain today ... lonely, lonely...tin can at my feet, think I'll kick it down the street, that's the way to treat a friend"(Joan Baez)

    The coldness allows the R/F to adhere (even if just with lip service) to the WTS. That makes the R/F feel superior and therefore anyone who neglects something like meetings well you've fallen from superior to condemned.

    I am sorry for your pain. And while it must've hurt to write that I hope you know how much your words help all of us. We are all survivors with a heart breaking story to tell about parents, spouses, congregations, children and people we should've been friends with but we couldn't.

    Panda gives{{{ hugs}}}

  • DJ

    A few years ago I had the opportunity to talk to my jw sister....she was trying to reconvert me. I told her that I felt that Jesus taught love and she declared in a sarcastic condescending tone..."No, love...love love...no, YOU NEED ACCURATE KNOWLEDGE" I wa so taken back that I didn't even respond. Now, looking back I wish that I had answered her. You can have all the knowledge in the entire universe but if you don't have love, you have nothing.

  • Gopher

    They don't know the true meaning of LOVE, or FRIENDSHIP, or HUMANITY. They are taught to hate ("love less") anyone who doesn't meet their self-righteous standards.

    I too used to send out anniversary cards to my married JW friends while in the JW's. Not once did anyone acknowledge the thought behind the cards, so I gradually just gave up on the whole idea.

    The JW's talk about LOVE, they preach it and even sing about it in their meetings. They talk a good game, but do NOT walk the walk.

  • mizpah

    I think it is hard to generalize Jehovah's Witnesses and say all lack love and compassion. I knew a number of them that were wonderful and caring people. They would do Christian acts of kindness that few knew about in the congregation. They were always there when you needed them.

    However, it is true that the organization stiffles any initiative in this regard. And the sad things is how they feel justified to turn off these same Christian attributes when one is disfellowshipped. I really don't blame individual Jehovah's Witnesses as much as I do the organization that controls and smoothers any initiative that one may have.

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