Amen Metatron
I do have to agree with Mizpah
I really don't blame individual Jehovah's Witnesses as much as I do the organization that controls and smoothers any initiative that one may have.
I know there are many who do not see the Org as the guilty one but it does teach hate. I hear 2 and 3 yr old children being told repeatedly Jah hates birthdays, Jah hates Christmas who wants you to celebrate these things yes that's right children Satan...and Jah hates Satan doesn't he. There is alot of love in the congregations but it's conditional on acceptance of all the GB regulations and teachings which turns it into something which is similar to a club or an association. In unions you often hear ones calling each other brother and sister and they have rules and guidelines to follow, judicial hearings and grievance meetings which often makes me think of the JW arrangements.
Maybe we should unionize the organization...Do you think the CAW would be interested Who wants to be a shop steward?