I remember when Ray Franz was banished - there was an announcement in the Kingdom Ministry™ to not speculate on why he was gone, nor to attempt to contact him. Something to that effect. It was a very long time ago. Could it be....?? was he lurking here... ?
June 2024 WT: Don't talk about Anthony Morris
by neat blue dog 27 Replies latest watchtower scandals
I think it is worth seeing the quote in more context. Of course it does not mention AM3, but says this.
“12 Psalm 15:3 also reminds us that Jehovah’s guests do nothing bad to their neighbors and do not defame their friends. What might that involve?
13 We could unintentionally defame someone by spreading negative information. For example: (1) a sister discontinues her full-time service, (2) a married couple no longer serve at Bethel, or (3) a brother is no longer serving as an elder or a ministerial servant. Would it be proper to speculate on the reasons why these adjustments were made and to share that opinion with others? There may well be reasons for the change that we are unaware of. Furthermore, a guest in Jehovah’s tent “does nothing bad to his neighbor, and he does not defame his friends”
Around here , I note the the dubs I know never know who the members of the GB are anyway. All the presenters are just faces on the screen. They might refer the fat one , or now the bearded one …..
Is there a lot of chat in Kingdom Halls about Tony?
There is a helluva lot of chat about Tony outside the Hall!
Beth Sarim
The WT studies deliver hypnotic sessions,,actually.
You'd probably have to explain WHO Tony Morris is to most publishers - then tell them not to talk about him if the average publisher is like most of my jw family!
Next year the memorial will be called the Easter Memorial to more align with mainstream churches and get some “accidental” attendees.
Beth Sarim
Nothing would surprise me....any longer.
So NOW WTC is concerned about slander??!!
Olin Moyle is rolling over in his grave.
Around here , I note the the dubs I know never know who the members of the GB are anyway.
I know, many in the UK couldn't identify them at all. But I'd guess you may be more likely to find inquisitiveness about Tony Morris in and around Bethel/New York/ the Warwick area, where JWs are more familiar with member's of the Governing body and Bethelites in general??
Beth Sarim
If the Borg is concerned about ' slander',,, please pinch me. I must be dreaming.