June 2024 WT: Don't talk about Anthony Morris
by neat blue dog 27 Replies latest watchtower scandals
How the WTS speculates, "The Bible does not say
The Bible does not say how long it took Noah to build the ark, but it seems that he spent several decades building it.
The Bible does not say, and traditions about their number vary. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, “Eastern tradition sets the number of Magi at 12, but Western tradition sets their number at three, probably based on the three gifts of ‘gold, frankincense, and myrrh’ (Matthew 2:11) presented to the infant.”
The Bible does not say, but here are some possible ways.
The Bible does not say why he left, but the apostle Paul evidently viewed Mark’s action as irresponsible. Paul might have had questions about Mark’s dependability.
How many thousands had become believers? The Bible does not say, but even by the end of the first century, the number of believers must have been far fewer than 144,000.
The Bible does not say, but the way events unfolded suggests that consideration for young Samuel was an important factor.
Beth Sarim
WT speculates " the Bible does not say"".
In other words "we just dont know'
Weve actually heard them admit this
They simply" don't know"..
"Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain. The great and powerful Oz has spoken!"
Remember the talk Samuel Herd gave with the enigmatic reference to “suggestments”? Such an appropriate Watchtower portmanteaux.
😂😂😂I didn't know about that....that's so funny Slim. Fancy you picking up on that....great catch👍🏻
Would it be proper to speculate on the reasons why these adjustments were made and to share that opinion with others? There may well be reasons for the change that we are unaware of.
Translation: The GB moves in strange and mysterious ways.
Don't JWs get tired of this game? They are constantly told about the cleansing light of truth, how nothing can be hidden because truth will eventually shine through, how important it is to be forthright and honest... but also how it's not your business, and what happens in Bethel stays in Bethel. I suppose there was a time when their blind trust could be excused, but these days the same GB is admitting that they get things wrong and won't apologize for it. In other words, they're run-of-the-mill politicians. And no one trusts them.
We could unintentionally defame someone by spreading negative information. ..... Would it be proper to speculate on the reasons why these adjustments were made and to share that opinion with others?
Rules for thee, but not for me. That is exactly what elders do amongst themselves with regard to the R&F and elderettes do about anyone else in the congregations.
A lot of time has passed since Tony became "No longer one of the GB", and we're still "not talking about it". That strategy really worked out for you, WT! 🙄