research article on Jehovah's Witnesses

by Stephen Cox 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • NeonMadman
    There seems to be one unanswered question at the moment, though--the relationship between "Liberty" magazine, where my article appears, and other "Liberty" magazines, including the 7th Day Adventist one. There isn't any relationship.

    Thanks for clarifying that. I was confused about it, since the SDA magazine also has religious liberty as its central theme. I'm surprised that one or the other magazine didn't trademark the title and prevent the other from using it.

  • Joker10

    So what other religion will you be researching about?

  • DanTheMan

    Great article, well-researched, almost as if written by a former insider. You obviously are well-acquainted with Watchtower history.

    Given that I probably fall into the category of "blandest of general Americans" (p.55) I'll save any extended commentary for the more colorful and verbally skilled persons on this site, just wanted to give you a quick thumbs-up.

    Is the test case of the Watchtower vs. the Internet an indicator that totalitarian authority structures cannot survive in the internet age? Let's hope so! Three cheers for freedom!

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Congratulations professor, on an excellent article. It's obvious that the Watchtower's fear of the inernet and its power of disclosure is palpable, I wonder whether they fully perceive that its real threat is not so much that loyal JWs will type ``Jehovah's Witnesses" or ``Watchtower" in their search engines in the privacy of their homes, but that any member of the public who shows some interest in the JW message will do so before proceeding with acceptance of an invitation before agreeing to a Bible study or further discussion.

    In all likellihood, this Internet research will either cause them abort their interest in further discussion with the JWs or equip them to ask them troubling questions on the JW's return, for which they will be totally unprepared to answered-- a ``blindsiding" that will no doubt induce the JW to turn to the elders and utimately to the WTBTS for advice as to `what do we say to this or that allegation," or ``how do we refute this?"

  • Loris

    Excellent article Professor Cox. I hope the answer to the question, "Can the Truth survive the Internet?" is NO. To survive the exposure of its untruthful past it will have to become something totally different, something unrecognizable from its present form. I hope the "end" is soon.


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