About the only model that I've found that helps define the experience of being born in the truth (BITT), is one used in studies on addiction. Basically, that model says that people who are addicts form maladaptive relationships with things, experiences, and I'd argue ideologies as well, in a vain attempt to achieve "closeness". Of course real "closeness" or "psychic validation" as I prefer to think about it, is only truly achieved during and after the interactions between two mutually accepting and non-judging people who possess intimate knowledge of one another; starting with one's primary caregivers... or parents.
Many people who are seriously lacking in these types of genuine relationships are compelled to try and search for a method of achieving the consequences of experiencing those types of loving, non-judging relationships, aka.... acceptance and its cousin happiness.
Because maladaptive relationships with drugs, alcohol abuse, work-a-holism, etc. only produce a fleeting illusion of these positive and foundational feelings, the addict repeats the behavior as a relief valve, so as to at least experience some form of positive feelings. Of course, it is maladaptive because it functions to the exclusion of intimate relationships, which are far more unpredictable and require more emotional balance to maintain; but, nonetheless are the only healthy method for achieving genuine pshchic validation... or "closeness".
In the BITT experience to which I apply this model to, the illusionary 'primary caregiver' is the organization. It is the entity to which all members (addicts), are directed to for acheiving psychic validation... Or, in other words, to test their own thinking or feelings. Because it is simply a non-human entity, really little more than a collection of rules, edicts, and heirachy; it cannot deliver genuine lasting feelings of acceptance, validation, and well-being..... only the face of another non-judging, accepting personality can do that. I call that the experience of intimacy (non-sexual).
Parents who are embroiled in their own frantic, albeit impossible search for well-being through the emotoinal, cognitive, and haptic prescriptions doled out by the Society, simply pass this dis-ease along to their children. Interestingly, Adult Children of Alcoholics are notorious for having all the symptoms of an alcoholic, even without the alcohol. Their addiction many times centers around trying to control their human relationships to the extent that they become in the mind of an ACOA, a non-entity.... or little more than pawns in the chess game of life..... thus the similarity.
The bottom line is that many people simply get scared at the very spectre of life and are simply under-educated and ill-prepared to try and figure things out for themselves. Unfortunately, there are ALWAYS people who are prepared to do it for you so they can further their own agenda.
What makes all this so insidious is that the WTBS adds a different twist to the fairly well understood dynamics of addiction. Unlike the alcoholic, who has cognition of the source of his insanity, the cultist is convinced that the object of his neurotic affections are in fact God himself, and not an inanimate heirachy of rules, regulations, shame and guilt that are simply masquerading as God.