A brother gives his first public talk, but only takes 15 minutes to give the talk. The elders talk about counseling him, but after some consideration, decide to give him a break since it was his first talk. The next public talk he gives, he talks for exactly one full hour!! Now the elders say, perhaps we should really counsel him, but after giving it some consideration, they reason, that well, he was only 15 minutes over, so we'll cut him some slack. The next talk he gives, he goes for TWO hours!!! This time the elders go up to him right away, take him into the library and really prepare to counsel him good. "We want to know what is wrong with you, don't you know a public talk takes 45 minutes?" the elders asked him. His reply: "Well yes, you see the first talk I gave, I had problems with my dentures, they really pained me, so after 15 minutes, that was all I could take, and I ended my talk!" The elders said, "well that's understandable, but what about a whole hour?" "Well during the second talk, my dentures were feeling really good, so I just kept talking and I lost track of the time. I'm really sorry about that" The elders said, "well OK, but then why in the world did you talk today for over 2 HOURS?" "Today when I got up, I couldn't find my dentures..........so I used my wife's!"
a joke from my jw dad!
by free will 13 Replies latest jw friends
That's a good one
Wow... that was pretty bad! Definitely a dub-caliber joke.
How about two JW's go to a door and want to discuss the TRUTH......ha..ha..he..he..that's it!
Sweet sunny jesus that brings back memories of trying to accomplish "acceptable" humor. All these good jokes that I heard and couln't repeat and all these absolutely horrid ones that I had to use 'cause they were the only ones that wouldn't get me booted.
During a sever winter blast one year, Johnny Carson illustrated just how cold it was in the Northern US.
He said that at 20 below zero, your car engine oil would start to congeal. At 30 below zero, gasoline would start to freeze solid. "And" he said, "at 40 below zero.... Jehovahs Witnesses will stick to your screen door".
I laughed so hard that I started coughing.
Somebody give me a rock!
free will
what you guys don't like that one? :) actually adam hit the nail on the head. it's funny how a jw can turn a dud of a joke into what he thinks is laugh in material. and btw, i'm a girl.