If you had to be born into a religious family and stuck in it 'till you finally broke free, would you rather it be Mormon or JW?
Pick one.....The lesser of two evils.
by Adam 30 Replies latest jw friends
If you had to be born into a religious family and stuck in it 'till you finally broke free, would you rather it be Mormon or JW?
arhhh tuff one...lol , better the devil u know i guess....JW
That's akin to asking a condemed man if he wants to die by hanging or the electric chair. How about a third choice ?
Mormons have many wives?
I don't know much about mormons, so I don't know. I think I would rather be a JW, since I know what that implies.
I was able to get out of that religion, and I don't know what my life would have been like if I was a mormon. That's why I choose the known evil over the unknown evil.
I'd go Mormon over JW any day. The Mormons I know are good peeps, good nieghbors to my kids and all around good people. Smokers, drinkers, non judgemental and most of the time their meetings end up as a barbque...And they give to the needy...they win hands down...oh and they enjoy the holidays...I talk to the two poor souls who have to bike around my house...I asked them if they ever stopped anywhere and they gave me the off handed smile and said "sure we do"...*LOL* Yeah right!..
District Overbeer
No. No third choice. This is supposed to be tough. Would you rather have to call your church a "kingdom hall" or would you rather have to call your underware "holy undergarments." Neither one of them allow mastubation or getting drunk so they both suck. But you gotta pick one of the two.
I'm with you, Valis. I grew up in Mormon country and loved it at my friends houses. Good points.
I dunno guys..... with Mormons, you are only required to do "missionary work" (ie, door-to-door) for a two-year commitment, when you are young (post high school). They actually encourage their members to go to university and get the best education they can. They actually encourage their members to do well for themselves financially. I always liked their TV commercials, although I am not too keen on their "puppet show in the park" recruitment technique that targeted neighbourhood kids. In fact, when I was a JW, I used to joke that if I ever quit I'd join the Mormons "because they have better commercials."
Then again, I can't see myself giving up coffee. Not in this lifetime.
Love, Scully
Ummmmm, can you be atheist and mormon?
Mormon...then I could entertain the hope of having my own planet.
They seem to be more liberal about everything except alcohol, coffee...etc
They are certainly not hated as much as JW's...being a mormon kid in school must be easier than being a dub.