Mormon, definately! I have many Mormon friends, have attended their meetings as well as played on their softball teams. Love their Bar-b-ques, musicals, plays, etc.. I think their cool; don't agree with some of their doctrines, but then again, I don't agree with some of the Baptists, Catholics and Methodists doctrines either ....
Pick one.....The lesser of two evils.
by Adam 30 Replies latest jw friends
It's a lot harder to get out of being Amish I immagine.
but the amish get rumspringa!! :P i'd still pick mormon though. something like 90% of all amish kids end up "joining church". no thanks!
Double Edge
It's a lot harder to get out of being Amish I immagine.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the Amish give their older teenagers a year or two to live outside of the 'clan' to see what the world has to offer.... they let them go 'wild' for a short time before they have to make the decision to settle down and make the religious commitments.
they let them go 'wild' for a short time
that's what Rumspringa is
Mormonism is pretty weird, but from what I know they don't shun like the Witlesses, and there isn't so much f*ckin "do more do more do more, are you doing all you can" crap so I'll take LDS over JW by a slim margin.
Phantom Stranger
Wait, I forgot one: They only go door-to-door for TWO YEARS!
I thought about this just a couple of days ago. I don't believe in either but if I had to I would choose Mormon. They seem family oriented and I think they believe that when they die they have celestial sex. They seem nicer but I must admit that in any group there are some you dislike and some you like.
Pulls out pistol..."Would you like it in the head or the chest?"
I wonder if that's just a case of the "grass is greener" syndrome?