Are you ever taken aback by what some here have said to you ?

by berylblue 72 Replies latest jw friends

  • berylblue

    Thanks, everyone.

    I was just stunned by something someone said. I shouldn't stress over it. God knows I've said enough hurtful things myself. If I've hurt any of you here, I'm sorry. I even apologized to NG.

    I am fighting the urge to lie in wait and blast the latest person when s/he least expects it....

  • Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.
    Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.

    Sure have. Broken down into tears on several occasions. Suicidal thoughts, the whole works.

    Really though, why take offense at what some unknown person has to say? Just keep in mind that there are f*ckwits around wherever you go.

    Keep in mind Proverbs 36:12 - "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me". Many of us learnt piece of wisdom as children - but how many of us remmember it as adults?

    cheeses - who hopes poor beryl isn't offended by this.

  • berylblue

    Cheeses, you are one of the wittiest persons here. Love ya.

  • StinkyPantz
    Are you ever taken aback by what some here have said to you ?

    Daily; but I often involve myself in heated discussions (does that mean I should be insulted)? I think not. I pride myself in my ability not to insult people that I disagree with.

  • berylblue

    SP, you excel at that. You make your point without wounding.

  • wednesday

    It was the first thread i started, may have been my first post. I posted "Do the demons still bother u?" or something

    to that affect.. It was several pages long and several people told me to seek professional help. But looking back, it was tame compared to some stuff i have seen.

    I was attacked in a "drive by shooting" type manner. The poster picked on all my spelling errors and he was awful He called me racial slurs, and it hurt. I felt like never posting her again. But i recovered.

  • Xena

    yes.... there are some nasty people out there who don't give a damn about anyone but themselves. funny how when they want or need a shoulder to cry on or whine about their lot in life it's ok but let you stress out and try to explain you get a "boo hoo" from them...or told your threads are stupid. fortunately though they are few and far between, the majority of people give me faith that there is still some good out there.

  • plmkrzy
    It's only happened to me twice; each time, I was stunned. Never heard a peep from the persons before the hurtful comment, nor since. Didn't even know they knew I existed.

    Yes It has happened to me a couple of times and same as you I didn't even know they knew I existed and in one case I didn't even I didn't even know the moniker who "assulted" me out of the blue! LOL! wierd.

    grain of salt takes care of... those.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Howdy beryl.

    I've been attacked twice. The first time was several months ago. He and I took it off the board into email land and are now very good friends. The second didn't go nearly as well.

    I've gotten into discussions and disagreements with several people on different topics and so far nearly everyone has been at the very least cordial. I do believe in responding if/when someone attacks, but that does not mean retaliating. Confront the person, tell them how you feel and if necessary, how it hurt you. You never know, where it will lead. I've done that here and once I found a friend and once I found a pompous jerk. One out of two ain't bad.

    I think most times in life you receive what you send out, but sometimes you need to reinforce it.

  • Panda

    BerylBlu, No it hasn't happened like that to me. But if it happens to you PM the person and tell them that you think they are rude as***h**s. And tell them that you will help them work through their rude hostility. Those flamers just want to be noticed. {{{{{Rosemarie}}}}}

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