Having It Both Ways?--A Defining Characteristic

by blondie 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    Perry, I'll check with the person. It is a private website so I'm not sure if I permitted to post the site here. They can PM you here. It was also posted on AOL attributing this person as the author. Either way the words are good regardless. I just made sure no one thought I was the author.


  • Perry

    Blondie, I am the author. I posted that here a year ago. I posted the link above on this thread. Here it is again.


    Perhaps the web-site owner wouldn't mind if you send it to me privately?

  • blondie

    Well, Perry, I believe you. As to the site, I will send you the admin's e-mail. I have sent an e-mail to the poster I had contact with. Either way it has only been attributed to someone unknown and I took no credit, merely has one who read it and realized it was worth reading again and again.


  • Perry

    Thanks Blondie. I'm glad someone thought it valuable enough to include on their site. I don't mind being quoted. I use my real name here. I have lost my entire family to this cult, not even one relative left.... There is nothing more they can take from me.

  • Vita Nuova
    Vita Nuova

    Try this one...

    When the Allied forces liberated the Jews from German Concentration Camps in World War II it proved that Satan was securing his extensive network of false religion,

    But when the Allied forces liberated the Jehovah's Witnesses from German Concentration Camps in World War II it proved that Jehovah was rescuing his people in a time of need.

    I made that one up, but I'm sure the actual logic is characterized by a similar kind of fatuousness.

    Vita Nuova

  • Shakita

    Hi Blondie,

    When a Jehovah's Witness is martyred, it is seen as following Christ example and fulfillment of Scripture. When a Christian of another faith is martyred it is seen as a misguided, albeit admirable exercise in a form of faith but proving false to its Source.

    Just recently I talked to a PO about this very subject. I reminded him of people of other faiths that have been martyred. I asked him if God would view their sacrifice as anything less than a Jehovah's Witness that was martyred. I used the example of the Burnham's being held captive by the Abu Sayef of the Philippines. The husband was killed by these terrorists. He replied that he will have a resurrection to the earth. I didn't want to argue the point that the person martyred may very well be going to heaven because I didn't want to tip my hand that I have been fraternizing with apostates.

    I also brought up the point about the ransom sacrifice being null and void if God were to kill all men except for JW's. His reply was that he feels God is going to shake people up right before Armageddon and that we are going to see amazing things happen. I took that to mean that a whole lot of people are going to be flocking to the JW's real soon. As intelligent as this person is, it is sad that he continues to be so duped by the Watchtower.

    Mr. Shakita

  • StinkyPantz

    Great post. . so true.

  • stillajwexelder

    Yes this is a brilliant post -- I have run a hard copy offf by sutting and pasting into Microsoft word -- I a mgoing to memorize some of these -- thanks for this post - really great

  • Gadget

    Thanks, this is great stuff.

  • rocketman

    This is brilliant stuff.....every example is very true!

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