Having It Both Ways?--A Defining Characteristic
by blondie 27 Replies latest jw friends
We don't disfellowshipp anyone for taking a blood transfusion ( Bulgaria ) They have shown that they no longer want to be one of J.W'S when they do this and have disassociated themselves from jw's.
You must not buy a political card in Africa ( Malawi ).Its ok to bribe an official in ( Mexico )to get a political card.
The Pinata has religious significance.We found that for many people in Mexico,that the pinata has lost its religious significance. ( how did they find that out? )
And after condemning many religious practices they now say,"A main concern is,not what the practice meant hundreds of years ago,but how it is viewed today in your area.On and on it goes.
Thanks Blondie and Perry.
Blondie, thanks for the quote. Perry, thank you for the imagination. You have the truth now. You must be hurting over your losses. Please be patient and hope for those you lost. You have exposed the emperor's new clothes and the 'matrix' they live in. Sincerely, Carlton
Let's add this one:
WT 11/1/90 p. 26
We cannot take part in any modern version of idolatry-be it worshipful gestures toward an image or symbol or the imputing of salvation to a person or an organization.
KM 11/90 p. 1
"They must appreciate that identifying themselves with Jehovah's organization is essential to their salvation."
I read this post to my hubby. he was impressed. However, he say, all religion in one way jor another adocates itslef as the oly way to God. They say u will go to hell. he says they are all basically the same, which makes JWS no better or worse than the rest. growing up her in the Bible belt, i tend to agree. religion has a strong influence here.
Great post
Once again:
Thank you; you are such an asset to this board, Blondie.
The last example you gave was brilliant! Talk about speaking in stereo. They came from the same building in the same month. Difference was, first one came from the writing dept and the second the from service dept. And we all know who looks after the service dept.
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