The August 2024 WT will probably be a "nothing burger".
My guess for August WatchTower: GB claims we're in beginning stages of Great Tribulation due to World governments turning on JW's
by WingCommander 50 Replies latest jw friends
the wt messages keeps repeating: "support the wt hierarchy no matter what"
"obey the branch"
"follow the channel" etc
they are setting the rank-and-file up for death/pain/imprisonment
for covid gb said "stay home" since it was about $$$ not love
for when govt makes wt illegal gb says "keep meeting" (since it's not about love or protecting the rank-and-file)
jesus said obey the govt
if govt makes wt illegal, then the rank-and-file should listen to govt
the bible doesn't say you have to keep meeting in association with wt
meeting together can be with anyone, like even just your own family
it just means do what you can to show love, it doesn't mean associating with some wt hierarchy
during the flood noah stayed home with his family (houseboat)
gb and wt hierarchy are mean
they don't care if rank-and-file get hurt
if they cared they tell them to stop meeting and stop being part of wt
i hate wt leaders
Beth Sarim
They dont care if the rank and file get hurt.
Only time is when the Borg is averting legal issues,,,,,or its tax breaks are at risk or when money is involved. $$$$.
Fragrant - “…when govt makes wt illegal…”
It’s doubtful that’ll ever happen*…
…and unlikely that they’ll ever need to.
Near as we can tell, the Org’s business model is almost completely dependent on its tax-exemption.
Therefore, federal revenue agencies would only need to revoke their “charity” status (for actual, legitimate violations of the minimum standards for qualification), and insolvency and collapse should follow**.
*Secular western governments are smart enough to realize that would stroke the leadership and rank-and-file’s collective persecution complex, and they’d have to deal with an uptick in membership, activity, and fanaticism.
**Not in the least because they’d suddenly be on the hook for the property taxes on hundreds of millions worth of real estate that, ironically, they themselves gobbled up in a panicked, knee-jerk land grab after the Menlo Park fiasco.
Even if the August study edition should delay, it will not be late!
@vidiot, true, and it wouldn't be the first time a crook got booked for tax shenanigans...
@truthseeker, i heard your comment to the tune of last year's con-vention song, lol "it will not be late!"😆
Fragrant - “…they are setting the rank-and-file up for death/pain/imprisonment…”
A simpler explanation is they’re setting them up for the Org’s financial collapse, and trying to spin it as “persecution” to save face.
Here’s what I can’t figure out….
OK, so “something came up” and they need to do an extensive rewrite of at least some of the information for the scheduled August WT.
It’s so extensive it may require an extra month, or even two months of writing, editing, rewriting, etc.
Meanwhile, work continues on the September WT and October WT. In fact, that content is finished before the rewrites of the August mag.
Why can’t they just take the September WT, swap out the date in the cover and footers, and name <what was the September WT> as <the new August WT>?
What is so special about “August”? Why not just switch up the order a bit so the rewritten articles get dumped into a WT with a later date?
The obvious apparent answer is “they want these rewritten articles to be studied in October, not earlier, not later, but exactly in October”.
But why? What possible difference could it make? WT articles are dull, bland, uninteresting and perfectly interchangeable. If a local KH were to decide to study, I don’t know, an article from March 2018 at this week’s meeting, anyone who didn’t have a copy of the current WT in front of them would have no idea.
There has to be a reason why THOSE articles HAVE TO be in the AUGUST WT, but I just can’t think of what it could be.
Any ideas out there?
I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens.
St George of England
Why can’t they just take the September WT, swap out the date in the cover and footers, and name <what was the September WT> as <the new August WT>?
The September WT is already on jw dot org. Too late for that idea FFGhost.