@ simon! Exactly! About time we tell it like it us instead of being politically correct.
White clean shaven man runs over muslims
by silentbuddha 78 Replies latest social current
Simon: like a true jw can't have a beard? or that no one who loves their parents or siblings can be a "real Christian?" How do YOU define a conservative or a liberal? I am really curious because I need to know what you believe about what I think and what I believe because obviously your definition is the only one that counts and I obviously can't define myself without your approval of what I think I am or what I call myself. Because obviously as a person who is well versed in Islam and who has studied it for years in the Arabic Quran Quran and in the Masjid and among friends who are Muslim you must know more than I do. You must know how I think. In fact, you must know my full-on relationship with the Creator or as you would say the depth of my Insanity for believing in one-because your definition of all of this is truly what matters to me and indeed truly what counts. Not.
One-third or one-fourth of this world is Muslim many are religious many are not. However were all of those religious and Pious Muslims beheading people you would be dead already so you should just think about what you say. I would welcome you to my home in Houston and to my class among religious Muslims every week and acquaint you with the people I know and pray next to. I am disturbed at the level to which a former Jehovah's Witness would stoop in believing all the propaganda somebody wants to tell them one would think we would have learned by now. Not about what we should personally believe but about what others say about other people because I spent the first 15 years of my life being told that the world the entire world was evil and horrible and insane and going to be killed by God immediately if not sooner. That was a lie told me by people who had a reason to tell me a lie. One thing that many non-muslims are not aware of is what a Believer is versus what a Muslim is. You might want to educate yourself about that and stop listening to talk show hosts who are semi informed about little and ill-informed about much.
There is nothing you could say or do to me or my community that would result in the loss of your head unless you lose your mind which is on you not Islam.
As ever I only wish you well but I am still disappointed in so much what I hear from you.
JWDaughter - are there any other Muslims who totally reject every word of the hadith and sunna or are you unique in that regard?
Jwdaughter you traded one cult for another.
I am disturbed at the level to which a former Jehovah's Witness would stoop in believing all the propaganda somebody wants to tell them - most of us here are ex-JWs so the WT is rightly criticised and ridiculed. Why not other religions, including Islam?
There is nothing you could say or do to me or my community that would result in the loss of your head unless you lose your mind which is on you not Islam - now this I find interesting and slightly chilling.
The implication is that if Simon (or anyone else, for that matter) were among your community, lost his mind and said something that your community finds offensive, then there would be no guarantee that his head would remain on his shoulders. And it'd be Simon's fault, not your community's and not Islam's.
Wow, just wow ...
jwdaughter do you insult Christians and Jews everyday in your prayers by saying Christians are deceived and Jews are hated by God?
The implication is that if Simon (or anyone else, for that matter) were among your community, lost his mind and said something that your community finds offensive, then there would be no guarantee that his head would remain on his shoulders.
Goodness! That wasn't the implication at all!!
There is nothing you could say or do to me or my community that would result in the loss of your head .
Maybe just draw a cartoon?
Let's face it, that is pure unadulterated propagandist religious drivel.
Taqiyya...Theocratic Warfare
There is nothing you could say or do to me or my community that would result in the loss of your head .
Lets face it, JWDaughter: the only reason you said the above is because you live in Houston and it's illegal to behead people in the US for religious reasons.
That doesn't mean that Islam doesn't teach that death is the proper punishment for homosexuality, adultery, apostasy or blasphemy.
You're in a cult.