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White clean shaven man runs over muslims
by silentbuddha 78 Replies latest social current
the only loss of Simon's head in my community would be metaphorically - thanks for clarifying, your original comment was ambiguous.
And I agree with you that yourself and many other Muslims would not do that to someone who ridiculed Islam.
But there are Muslims who would do that - indeed there are Muslims who actually do that.
I think you need to accept that those people are Muslims, too.
I also think that you want the rest of us at JWN to view yourself and other peaceful Muslims as the only kind of Muslims, to view 'peaceful Islam' as the only kind of Islam out there. I think you're living in cloud cuckoo land.
How easy it is to just lump people into categories right? - what, like Dar al-Harb and Dar al-Islam?
JWDaughter: you're done here. This forum will not be used to disseminate dishonest propaganda for Islam that we all know is false. Also, I take talk about beheading people (especially me) very seriously because it can be taken as a threat.
I think you need to accept that those people are Muslims, too.
Not just "Muslims too" ... more devout and so more Muslim than someone who frankly thinks all the pieces are optional. The people who adhere to the religion defined by the scholars and leaders of that religion are better adherents of it.
After leaving JW world I can't understand how a black person could leave jwland and become a Christian of any type. Even more shocking is how one could become an adherent of Islam.
Islam is the original African enslaving religion and many of those countries still view blacks as slaves or abeeds.
It is nice to try and constantly portray Islam as the universal religion of peace but it is not. I have spent plenty of time around adherent of Islam and they are different than Christian's in there desire to use their religion as nothing more than an instrument to conquer.
The Quran mandates the killing of non-muslims, and hypocritical muslims.
in 9:73, it states ("Strive hard against the disbelievers and the hypocrites, and be harsh against them, their abode is Hell.") There are much more examples than this
ISIS follows the Quran letter by letter, if you disagree feel free to reply and and I'll discuss it with you.
Islam is fundamentally a religion of conquest, Mohammed and "Allah" are worse than the Jehovah of the old testament, stop saying ISIS and Muslim terrorists aren't motivated by religion.
Loveunihateexams, maybe the loss off his ever loving mind was what the excommunicated forum member was speaking of. . . "Beheady muslims"? Seems the threat of the Muslim poster was all in your overactive imagination! Heads were definitely "lost" in this thread, college boy. Someone posts for a dozen years in a polite and respectful manner, not losing it even under attack, and they are shut out.
Bravo. You all just saved your virtual world from a rational conversation.
maybe the loss off his ever loving mind was what the excommunicated forum member was speaking of - her original comment was ambiguous and posted at a time when Islamic terrorists were regularly killing innocents in a number of countries, but after my probing it was found to be the case.
Seems the threat of the Muslim poster was all in your overactive imagination! - nope, JWdaughter posed no threat to me. She was/is a generally fairly decent, intelligent person.
Heads were definitely "lost" in this thread - but not mine. I treated JWdaughter politely and thanked her for clarifying. As far as I can see, other posters weren't rude to her either. Just read through this thread and you'll see.
Someone posts for a dozen years in a polite and respectful manner, not losing it even under attack, and they are shut out - JW daughter is/was polite and respectful. Posters weren't being rude or nasty to her, they were giving their frank opinion about her religion, often criticising and ridiculing it. Nothing wrong with that, even if she did get offended from time to time.
BTW I don't know what happened between the forum's owner, Simon, and JWdaughter. I would guess he banned her from this thread only ('you're done posting here' - i.e. on this thread) but it's none of my business.
Generally speaking, Simon runs this site excellently. Nobody's perfect but as a lurker I've read through threads where Simon has given posters warning after warning in a decent proper manner before he eventually took action.
I'm sure Simon could justify what, if any, action he took in this thread. Not that he needs to justify himself to you.
PS ... "Beheady muslims"? - this thread happened at a time when terrorists were beheading, bombing and running over innocent civilians far and wide in the name of their god, Allah. The Arabic phrase 'Allahu akbar!' usually preceded their attacks.
Acting as if every JW is a child molester and every homeschool family are abusive nutters or that every white/black/chinese/lgbt/female/male is an imminent threat because a lot of "their kind" has been in the news recently is not logical or rational.
We have a very diverse community that says a lot of controversial things. The banned poster was not the one who brought up "beheading", but after their pointing out the foolishness of the original statement, the excuse was made to ban.
It's a shame that someone who has been shunned since childhood by a religious group for not believing is now shunned by an atheist running a support group of over a decade for believing something unpopular.
If this forum has started disfellowshipping and banning because we don't like the beliefs of others, how are we an improvement over the organization?
This has been a good place to see what they (the organization and JWs) are up to and to express ourselves. I'd hate for it to become a place where every non conforming poster is accused of being a threat for daring to disagree with a moderator.
For those who think she is terribly misled and part of a horrible thing, did you ever think that this has been her safe place? Plenty of posters started posting here defending ideas that they now dont support.
There was no threat ever made, no matter what an extremist group was or is up to.
There is much good that comes from this forum, but this case is not a shining example of "tolerance".
If this forum has started disfellowshipping and banning because we don't like the beliefs of others, how are we an improvement over the organization? - Wrong again.
JWdaughter, a Muslim with different beliefs compared to the majority of posters, was allowed to join this forum. She was allowed to post her opinions for 12 years. She got herself into trouble on this thread because her final post consisted of a few Quranic verses that basically amounted to religious propaganda. Action has been taken against other posters who have pumped out religious propaganda so no unfair discrimination occurred.
From what I remember, JWdaughter conveniently didn't believe in the Hadith (the account of Muhammad that shows what terrible things he got up to). She also refused to discuss the barbarity, misogyny and homophobia of Sharia. I can't remember if she accepts Sharia as Islamic or not. Her tactic in this thread was to ignore our concerns of Islamic violence and intolerance by posting one or two verses that contained the word peace.
This has been a good place to see what they (the organization and JWs) are up to and to express ourselves. I'd hate for it to become a place where every non conforming poster is accused of being a threat for daring to disagree with a moderator - Simon allows posters to disagree with him, it happens all the time.
Here's what Simon won't stand for - he won't let his forum become a place for religious propaganda.
Religious people are welcome here ... so long as they recognise and accept the above.