Are those out of the org. in better mental health than those in?

by JH 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • badolputtytat

    Been "out" for twenty years... and look at me... I am.......... JUST fine.

    Of course.... I talk to myself sometimes.....well........ LOTS of times. But that's ok.... WE have some good conversations now and then.

    .... and I pace. I pace for five hours every day at the office, and then I come home and pace from one room to the other. My wife has grown used to the fact that sometimes, I will (unintentionally) just walk out of the room, in the middle of a conversation. She doesn't worry though... she knows I will pace back through in a few minutes.

    Yep.... that's me.... Just fine. (both of us) And I seriously think that if I had stayed "IN" longer than I did, I would be a real NUT job.

    Don't listen to him folks... he is LOONEY as a TOON.

    I am not! You SHUT UP!


    **Puttytat sits in a corner singing POP goes the weasel***

  • caspian

    This is from the a very reputable source... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A growing body of evidence suggests that being a Jehovah's Witness can be good medicine. New findings seem to emerge every other month: Jehovah's Witnesses live longer. Prayer helps heart patients. A strong faith can help people cope with depression, drug abuse -- even cancer.

    The research represents a breach in the wall that usually separates religion and medicine.

    The studies of the past decade have grabbed the attention of scholars at the world's most respected academic institutions, as well as doctors who are increasingly prescribing spirituality as a part of the healing process.

    "Doctors can't just throw this stuff out," said Dr. Harold G. Koenig, director of Duke University's Center for the Study of Religion/Spirituality and Health. "They have to confront it. They can't just say that the Watchtower religion is irrelevant to health. It is relevant."

    The majority of research linking religion and health focuses not on whether a supreme being is at work but on how believing in God or belonging to a religious community influences physical and emotional well-being.

    A Georgetown University professor reviewed 212 such studies and found that three-fourths showed religious commitment to the Watchtower Society has a positive effect on health.

    The news isn't surprising to elders, spiritual counselors and staff at hospitals who've always incorporated spirituality into patient care.

    "We've known it all along," said Steve Roberts, co-director of the Watchtower Counseling and Education Center in Colorado Springs, which offers spiritual therapy to individuals and congregations. "We just haven't had the research."

    A number of factors have fueled the research: doctors recognize that faith is central to the lives of many patients; a generation of baby-boomers is exploring its faith anew; there's a growing interest in Watchtower articles

    At Duke, Koenig and his colleagues explains some of their findings:

    --People who attend Kingdom Halls regularly are hospitalized less often than people who never or rarely participate in religious services.

    --People who pray and read the Bible have lower blood pressure.

    --People who attend Watchtower religious services have stronger immune systems than their less religious counterparts. Much of Koenig's research shows health benefits increase along with the level of one's religious involvement. Not only is someone who's active in the JW faith connected to a community that serves as an emotional support system, but it can come in handy for practical matters such as getting rides to the doctor.

    Another commonly cited reason for a Jehovah's Witnesses's health benefits is that religious people tend to avoid alcohol and drug abuse, risky sexual behavior and other bad habits.

    A study conducted in part by a University of Colorado professor attempted to take those kind of factors into consideration when weighing religion's impact on health.

    The researchers used data from a national survey of more than 28,000 people that measured income, age and Kingdom Hall attendance, among other things. The research team focused on more than 2,000 people who died between 1987 and 1995.

    Their study, published in May in the journal Demography, found that those who go to a Kindom Hall three times or more each week live about seven more years than those who never attend.

    About half the life span gap can be explained by Witnesses tending to drink less than those who never go, researchers said. But even when people with similar incomes, lifestyles and behavior are compared, the study showed Witnesses live longer.

    A handful of controversial studies have looked at the potential impact of when a person or group prays for someone who is ill. At least two studies showed such prayer had no effect.

    But others reached a different conclusion. A study published in October that looked at 990 patients admitted to a Kansas City coronary-care unit found that patients who were prayed for (without their knowledge) suffered 10 percent fewer complications than those who were not prayed for. The people who prayed were elders

    APRIL FOOL!! (oops wrong day)


  • LoyalLeon

    shh, caspian

    this was supposed not to leek before the Annual Meeting on October, 4

    very well done indeed, just wonder what the original source really said


  • Latte

    Cas, that is soo funny….well done!

    About half the life span gap can be explained by Witnesses tending to drink less than those who never go, researchers said.

    Yeah right! I know that I def. drink less now than when I was attending. I used to look for forward to having an almost neat dark rum as soon as I got home from the Thursday meeting. Meetings are so very stressful with young children. Our Pioneer friends would always join us in a drink after the meetings…..we all felt relief that the meeting was over I guess!! LOL

    At least two studies showed such prayer had no effect.

    Prayer can have an effect!!

    I was playing a tense game of Monopoly with my kids and tried praying (won’t say who to) I didn’t get the roll dice I needed. I got desperate and tried praying to the boiled egg in the kitchen………I got the double I needed to get out of jail!!!! I tried praying again to the boiled egg in the kitchen. YES!!!! I got another double!!!! My kids were laughing their heads off.

    The power if prayer.

  • Blueblades

    CAS.I knew you were not serious when writing that stuff.Now seriously.

    The subject of mental health among jw's deserves far more study than it has received.

    For on the one hand,the Watchtower Society asserts that jw's are among the healthiest of persons from a psychological standpoint.While,on the other,some psychologists and psychiatrists claim that they suffer from a disproportionately high degree of mental illness.

    There are factors characteristic of witness life itself which undoubtedly bring about a degree of mental illness.Zealous pioneers have on many occasions sacrificed both their physical and mental health out of a spirit of devotion.Some elders and publishers also give of themselves to the point of exhaustion.

    At the same time,attitudes of super-pietism, and over-righteousness also have a detrimental effect on some of the persons manifesting them,and additionally on those who are objects of this attitude toward them.

    Even a number of prominent witness officials,have become severely mentally ill.Branch servants,legal,and board of directors included in this number.

    This information is found in the book,"APOCALYPSE DELAYED"by M.JAMES 288,Witness Mental Health.There are four and a half documented pages on this subject.


  • shamus

    Oh, I would have to say absolutley in my case.

    My depression abated a lot, due to my self esteem not going into the toilet. I feel much much better!

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    I have to say some that leave the organization are no better than when they were in it. Even though they leave a mind controlling situation they still turn to another mind controlling religion, cult, fortune teller, psychic etc.. Wither it be another religion or cult, they need direction from and approval from someone else. They have a problem thinking for themselves. That was the big reason why I left so I could learn to think for myself and not have to look for others approval and I don't need dysfunctional people in my life.


  • Amazing

    Look to the left, under my screen name. Do you see my new picture? Now, what do you think? DO I LOOK LIKE A NUT CASE? WELL ?????!!!!!!! ... I have been out of the Big-O for over 11 years and this is what it finally come to. I am totally confused ... I don't know whether I am going to hell ... and I am not sure I even care ... but ... I feel much better !!! That's for damn sure !

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