For all you parents.....or anyone who was ever a child.....

by Surreptitious 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • frenchbabyface

    (((Hey - Mothers)))

    Surup : what means = 2/2/c ?

  • teejay

    You mean the ritual of learning the ABCs and how to count to 100? Learning math tables by rote (ritual)? How to recognize and recite words? Yes.

  • Special K
    Special K

    I agree with Lady lee..

    Routine .. yes kids need that.

    Ritual.. sounds "religious".. but maybe that is not what the topic meant..

    Maybe they didn't mean "RELIGIOUS RITUALS"

    Maybe they will put in another post and explain what kind of rituals they mean.(some examples would be good)


    special k

  • Englishman
    You mean the ritual of learning the ABCs and how to count to 100? Learning math tables by rote (ritual)? How to recognize and recite words? Yes.

    As youngsters, we would recite our multiplication tables daily. At the time, the English monetary system was based on 12's and 20's, so we recited 2 to 12 times tables up to a multiplication of 12. Even now, 50 years later, whenever I multiply by 12, I always turn it into old shillings. .."twelve 11's are 132, twelve 12's are 144, 144 pence equals 12 shillings." Thank God for decimalisation. Englishman.

  • joannadandy

    Yeah I have to say routine is good for kids...(and classroom order).

    Ritual is something each parent and family can make for itself. It might be the ritual of going to church every sunday, or it might be the ritual of every first saturday in december the family goes to Uncle Moe's Tree Farm to pick out that years tree. Ritual is something that we are faced with in everyday life. A lot of routines become rituals, and become more significant depending upon the importance and weight we give to them.

    I guess I am wondering what type of ritual you were refering to.

    My sister and I just had this conversation. She was raised a dub, but has nothing to do with it now. Her husband is Jewish but only steps foot in a temple if someone was getting married or having a bar-mitzvah. My nephew is going to be three in Decemember and she thinks they need some type of religious ritual in their lives in order for him to have structure and a foundation of morality. She thinks it's just a good start and is thankful for the religious instruction we got as kids, even if she did go her own way.

    I am inclined to disagree and I don't know why, nor can I articulate it, nor do I understand why she feels that way, or why so many parents who were never religious at all suddenly feel the need for this spiritual ritual when they become parents. Maybe I will figure it out if I have kids. But probably not. haha!

  • happyout


    It's funny, since I had my son I have also kind of wanted to find a "religious" type training program. I think in some ways it's an easy way to teach morality, empathy, etc. I just haven't been able to bring myself to go to a church, and the KH is OUT. My son has been to the KH with my mom, and church with my MIL, and has been, according to them, very well behaved. I also make sure I get any kid videos that emphasize being nice, sharing, etc. Sesame street is great for that stuff.

    We have a few rituals. When it's bedtime, we read a story, say our prayers, and rock in the rocking chair. The only time anyone else can do this with him is if I'm not home, otherwise it's always with me (at his request). He loves his routine, it gives him security, he knows what's coming next, and seems to feel in control.


  • rocketman

    We have a ritual at home - at dinner time, we grab the tray tables and turn on the TV. Does that count?

  • rocketman

    Oh, and here's the ritual viewing:

    5:30 PTI on ESPN with Mike Wilbon and Tony Kornheiser

    6:00 Friends on the WB

    6:30 The Simpsons on FOX , or sometimes the evening news.

    No amount of training, discipline, or lecturing has worked as well as this fine ritual.

  • Valis

    Hmm well I don't see my children all the time, but when I do we have our rituals...and the holidays I have my own...The youngest always gets a new teddy bear for xmas...both girls get Halloween suprises in the mail from me, etc.....small things and sayings that they remember and repeat are what I would call ritual...its the things they remember most and cherish in their lives. This is different than structure or a regimen of learning IMO.


    District Overbeer

  • Surreptitious

    Yeah Rocketman, that counts! That's exactly what I was referring to. Or like Happyout's bedtime stories. Or Joanna's "Uncle Moe's Tree Farm" visits. Or like, every Sunday morning we always have waffles. Or, every Saturday morning Dad takes the kids fishing and always stops at the same bait store and tells jokes to the same clerk, and we always buy salt and vinegar chips and Reeses Peanut Butter Cups and Dr. Pepper to snack on in the boat. That kind of thing.

    Routine occurances that have transcended "routine" and become "ritual". I'm not referring to anything to do with religion.


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