My 2 cents.
Kids don't need a ritual. Some sort of routine is good but, not a strict one you have to let them be kids and have fun in life. The two are pretty similar though depending how you look at it. Interesting post something to think about.
by Surreptitious 28 Replies latest jw friends
My 2 cents.
Kids don't need a ritual. Some sort of routine is good but, not a strict one you have to let them be kids and have fun in life. The two are pretty similar though depending how you look at it. Interesting post something to think about.
Well they sure do. I used to dance around the fire naked when I was a kid. That was a ritual every Sunday after the meeting.
Are you confusing structure with ritual? For mental development kids need structure which provides assurance that there is stability and predictablilty. As for ritual, if you define it as meaningless repetition or of habitual nonsensical behavior, they are not benefited. Ritual is part of mystical society that wants to put power into things that do not inheritantly have that power. Doing so confuses the developing mind and causes it to distrust the "story teller".
My advice, get rid of the ritual, replace it with structure. (the latter is defined as knowing that certain events will follow certain behavior). Being as consistent as possible will cause kids to grow up self-assured and able to face life with confidence.
I'm not talking about structure. I'm not talking about religion. I'm not talking about learning.
I'm talking about routine that has become ritualistic. As in some of the examples I sited earlier. Or as says: "A state or condition characterized by the presence of established procedure or routine."
HIGH 5's, Syrup! That was TOOO GOOOD!
Frannie B
Routine occurances that have transcended "routine" and become "ritual". I'm not referring to anything to do with religion.
I think this kind of ritual is important. As we grow older I think those rituals that bring us together as a part of family or community are the things we remember most; that give us a warm feeling of having belonged and been loved.
If you want more from me you will have to look me up and talk over coffee.
I have something to add....but
surrep, the answer is no, in spite of the fact that most of us adults have used "ritual" as a nappy banky our entire lives.
ps. while I'm bursting bubbles, the phrase "structured learning" is an oxymoron.
hmmmm, so most say "yes".
Six says "no".
Anyone agree with Six?