How do you explain to a jw why you don't believe the jw teachings anymore? You can explain what you believe and why, but if they're deeply in they can just pass it off as 'needing faith' etc. So without going into deep deep issues(I prefer the Keep It Simple, Sweetie approach), what points do you use to make jws think about things?
How do you explain to a jw...
by Gadget 14 Replies latest jw friends
I haven't found an approach that doesn't bring up the automatic defensive circuitry in their brains.
YOU DON'T............. that's all there is to it.
Cheers, Bliss
refiners fire
Rule number one, and most important, is not to get into an arguement with them. Causing them to become agittated only causes the defence reflex to come into play. So long as they are talking about things calmly, you are winning, but if they get angry terminate the discussion till the next time the subject comes up. Over a long period of time a lot of alternate ideas can be planted.Then its just a matter of letting the seeds sprout, in their own time. Its hard to leave off a discussion of something you desperately want to get across, but getting into heated or emotional debate is counterproductive.
I have found one particular one-liner that seems to atleast throw them off for a few minutes....
I told my a 'sister' that my spirituality just outgrew the JWs.
she didn't know what to say for atleast 10 minutes.
then when she brought up the 'meat in due season' and 'spiritual junkfood/poison' argument I told her that as far as I was concerned to go over the same mind-numbing material week after week and year after year at the meetings and in the Watchtower was like returning to vomit as far as I was concerned and I needed more nourishment than the Borg was capable of giving.
She may not have agreed with me, but just maybe one of these Sundays when she is bored out of her skull listening to the Watchtower Study conductor drone on and on about nothing it will hit her that she is bored too. and it is the same old bull$h!t.
I planted a seed of doubt that is undeniable to every JW at some time or another. Sooner or later they all sit there bored out of their minds and wish they were somewhere else.
after reading another thread--how about this one?:
I have lost all respect for Jehovah and The Watchtower organization. I can't be a part of what I can't respect. Then if they ask you why you lost respect---just pick a topic(any topic)
or tell them you left because of your own integrity---the Watchtower has become apostate and you are following the example of Job and must keep your own integrity.
or how about this one? The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society failed me. Then explain how if they ask. (my personal adaptation is that Christianity has failed me....)
YOU DON'T............. that's all there is to it. Cheers, Bliss
excellent advice to this poster-
this poster is about to make the biggest mistake that many of us see former jw make when interacting with "loyal" jw
i would suggest that you read this information just to give you a good overview of the mindset that you are dealing wth -
it will help you to see thAT FACTS, PROOF, EVIDENCE have little if anything to do with convinvcing a TRUE BELIEVER
There is little that gets through to the mind of a "True Believer"
Case in point. My youngest daughter, 21, is still having a regular
indoctrinationstudy with the PO. I have been out for a year since learning about the UN. She was included in the family discussion at the time. At first I was sure that I had gotten all my children out with me. But the longer she stays involved with the cong the more out of sync with reality she becomes.Last week I thought that I was discussing a "safe" subject, science. I had just finished reading a book dealing with the history of quantum physics. It was a subject that I had never delved into and I was exited to share what I had read. The author at the end of the book was tying in quantum phisics with the beginning of the universe. He was setting forth the probability that one day the universe will reach a statical state. That we may not have to worry about the universe one day folding in on itself. My daughter got that glazed eye look and I could feel the tension. She mumbled something about how we do not have to concern ourselves with science, that Jehovah had it all under control, that all the experimenting and discovery is a waste of time.
I was dumfounded. She has been sucked into the black hole. I did not think that there was any harm in her continuing her "study" I thought that she was in agreement with the rest of the family as far as the WTS was concerned. How wrong I was!!!
I personally never try to argue things that can not be proved (like doctrines), I just tell Jehovah's Witnessess experiences in my life. Like one time a new Jehovah's Witnessess asked me why I wasn't in college. I told her the truth, that in when I was growing up the WT looked down upon it and the elders in my congregation encouraged me not to go. I think that when you tell the truth about your experience with the congregation, nobody can argue with that, that witness could not say that the WT did not preach that are that the elders did not discourage it.
I did not think that there was any harm in her continuing her "study
plz tell me you are joking