Apparently Pinatas are ' no big deal'. What's next? Birthdays?

by xjw_b12 62 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • joannadandy

    Man that really chaps my papaya!

    I wanted a Pinata SO BAD when I was little...but nooooooooooooo! Their "imoral and worldly".

    These new JW kids just don't know how easy they have it now!!

    But I bet smurf pinata's still a no-go. Probably not so hot on Jesus Pinata's one thinks it's funny to smack the carp out of the savior...pff!

  • tinkerbell82

    LOL!!! oh, please save me from my spiritual weaknesses, nos!

  • WildHorses
    A main concern is not what the practice meant hundreds of years ago, but how it is viewed today in your area.

    Well, that knocks out all of their beliefs on any and all Holidays.

  • WildHorses
    I can't wait until Jehovah approves of fortune cookies!

    He may as well approve them since most of the JW's I know already read them when they go to chinese resturants.

  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D
    beating the carp out of pinatas.


    Well, it could be a local thing, but here in California the children prefer candy to fish



  • JeffT

    My first thought on looking at this was "it's about numbers." What group in the US is the oly one still positively contributing new members? Answer: Hispanics.

    They've reached the point where they are now selling out their so-called principles to keeping the numbers up.

  • blackout


    You guys are so funny!

    I am cacking up over here, thanks for making my day!

    But I bet smurf pinata's still a no-go. Probably not so hot on Jesus Pinata's one thinks it's funny to smack the carp out of the savior...pff!
  • Jourles

    I just read this article in the latest mag. I will try to scan it in tomorrow. To lay this article side-by-side with the one from the 70's is very eye-opening. Many of the historical facts presented from the '71 Awake are also included in this one. They almost read the same in fact. While the original article was lined with negatives against pinatas, after reading the current one, you walk away with the impression that they have always been a matter of conscience from the beginning.

    Yes, this article must get scanned and posted for everyone to read. The context is needed to show the Society's compete flip-flop.

  • run dont walk
    run dont walk

    they never cease to amaze me

    btw the way how did you do that cool pic you use ???

  • undercover

    My first thought on looking at this was "it's about numbers." What group in the US is the oly one still positively contributing new members? Answer: Hispanics.

    They've reached the point where they are now selling out their so-called principles to keeping the numbers up.

    I think JeffT hit the nail on the head with that comment. The largest growing group of JWs in the US are Hispanics. Mexico continues to grow in numbers. So they "sell out their principles to keep the numbers up". Excellent observation.

    What other religious group comprimised principles and doctrines so as to gain new converts from foreign lands? What religious group has been condemned by the WTS for doing this for all those centuries? The Catholic Church.

    When the WTS was new and young it was easy to pick on the established religions for all their dogmas, false teachings and pagan influenced rituals. Now that the WTS has some history, what has come to haunt the established religions is now haunting them and their deceptions and dogmas and false teachings are showing through.

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