Your freudian slip is showing.
Love, Scully
by xjw_b12 62 Replies latest watchtower bible
Your freudian slip is showing.
Love, Scully
Nathan said:
Someone really MUST do a Rutherford pinata, dontchathink?
Great idea for the next apostafest. We could even make up piniatas of all the former and present GB members.
Anybody have any ideas on what we would fill them with?
fill it with some kind of NUTS!!
special k
Yes! Nuts and fruitcakes!
...and maybe various kinds of jerky... dried out old meat, y'know...
This is do-able, people!
Are the brothers in Malawi allowed to have pinatas too?
This would be funny, if only it weren't so tragic.
“Nowadays the Posada in Mexico features disorder, drunkenness and criminal activity. The celebrations are used as an excuse for wild and immoral living. Persons frequently are killed, and others are robbed and injured. Police are kept extra busy during these celebrations,”
This hopscotch rationale of the JWs always got to me (even as a small child I found it stupid). Don’t do birthdays because the only birthday mentioned in the Bible featured excesses, and finally, the beheading of John the Baptist…Christmas is associated with the pagan festival of Saturnalia…Halloween, we all know the demonic/religious origin of that one. All stupid excuses to make sure JW’s don’t get to happy, and to make sure they feel radically different from the rest of the world, looking down on them, so as to solidify their isolationism. I agree, they’ve got to do something because they're going to continue to lose numbers and not be able to attract people with their “no fun” policy.It seems like learning to speak spanish is almost a fad around these parts (Nevada). So that they can witness to all of the Mexican workers in the area. It would almost be to much for them to decriminalize other celbrations that are observed by the Hispanic population (Cinco de Mayo comes to mind)
For everyone's enjoyment....
Once again Jourles Thank you for posting the article from the Watchtower Bible and Teetertotter Society.
BTW What do you think of that closing article ubout the honour bestowed upon the Halton Hills Bethel.
Man aren't they just the greatest of corporate citizens, fixing up their grounds so nice and pretty, with flowers and shrubs and all, while behind the walls they are stratagizing on how to to sue and contersue innocent victims, and steal children from their parents so they can murder them.
Yup. all that beautiful too much makeup on a whore !
You're welcome xjwb12. I had to wait for the wife to disappear before making use of the scanner.
It is such an eye-opener to read these two articles side-by-side and wonder when other holidays and such will become ok for witnesses to take part in. Like others have already said, everything that was applied to pinatas in '71 can also be applied to birthdays. Whereas now pinatas are just meaningless fun to have at parties regardless of the past paganistic ties, birthdays should be allowed for the very same reasons as stated in the latest article.