I must have been getting ready for work when the first plane hit WTC. I didn't have any news on so I had no idea what was going on. I left for work on my bike about 9:15 and parked my bicycle outside my work building at about 9:45. My office building is less than a mile from the Pentagon. When I got to work, I noticed a darker than usual cloud in the distance above another building in the direction of the Pentagon. Saw a few people outside looking in that direction but didn't think much of it. I got up to my office and logged onto my computer, and a few minutes later my wife called to ask if I was ok. That's when I first learned what had happened. I looked out my window and noticed that the cloud was much darker now and realized it was the smoke from the Pentagon. Of course, not much else got done that day. People were starting to get very frightened. I was trying to get onto news websites, unsuccessfully at times, until we were dismissed from work. I rode my bike home through the traffic jam and a lot of people who were walking away from the Pentagon.