Would you change the way you made your exit from the org and if so, how?
Would You Change The Way You....
by Frannie Banannie 31 Replies latest jw friends
Hi Frannie!
there's my little sidestep... lol
Nope, I wouldn't change the way I left.. Though I didn't know it at the time, it worked to my advantage. I also learned a lot in a short period of time because of the way I left. So no, I wouldn't change it.
Frannie Banannie
Hi Frannie!
there's my little sidestep... lol
Nope, I wouldn't change the way I left.. Though I didn't know it at the time, it worked to my advantage. I also learned a lot in a short period of time because of the way I left. So no, I wouldn't change it.
[email protected], too....I wouldn't change the WAY I left, but I sure woulda appreciated having all the info I found on the internet 7 yrs later....to add to my reasons for leaving....
Frannie B
not in a million years. I was wanting out of a rotten marriage, and out of the organization at the same time. So that is what I did. I spoke with my doctors to help me with my plans. The social worker set me up in a shelter for abused women, until I found a place to live and the pyschiatrist got me finally my disability pension. and then I committed adultry (on purpose with a man I had fallen in love with). This man cared so much about me and helped me feel so wonderful about myself, it was so easy to leave the organization. He was 100 % beside me. So with all this support I just wrote a letter to the elders, told them what I did and said this is it, I won't be back, don't call on me and that I did on December 24, 1999, was disfellowshipped January 8th, 2000. Guess what? I am one happy clam and I haven't and never will look back again.
Y E S I A M F R E E !!
Sometimes I wish I would have gave them more hell than I did.........not made it so easy for them by d/a myself over the phone. But all in all it was all for the best , because like Orangefatcat said,,,,,,,, I am free now,,,,,,,,over all of that drama as well.
BTW,,,,,,, Orangefatcat, you have been on my mind for days now,,,,,,,wondering where you have been,,,,,,,,,,hugssssssss.
Frannie Banannie
I am one happy clam and I haven't and never will look back again.
Good for YOU, OFC!!! I think a lot of xdubs have gone that route on purpose...
Sometimes I wish I would have gave them more hell than I did.........not made it so easy for them by d/a myself over the phone. But all in all it was all for the best , because like Orangefatcat said,,,,,,,, I am free now,,,,,,,,over all of that drama as well.
Me, too, Lyineyes...Nice ta meetcha, btw....wish I had thought about the semantics of my baptism oath and taken 'em to court after I blasted the GB with my reprooval of their actions and they df'd me...
Frannie B
I would do it a little differently. I wish I sent my disassociation letter to everyone in all my former congregations instead of just the PO of my last hall. Maybe it would have made someone think about what the org is really all about.
Ontario District Overbeer
nope. i left cold turkey without a word of explanation. rumor has it i'm still shrouded in mystery as far as the local dub crowd is concerned. maybe i'll be a KH legend one day :P
Frannie Banannie
I would do it a little differently. I wish I sent my disassociation letter to everyone in all my former congregations instead of just the PO of my last hall. Maybe it would have made someone think about what the org is really all about.
Yeah, Walter...our hindsight comes with much more clarity than our foresight, dudnit? lol
nope. i left cold turkey without a word of explanation. rumor has it i'm still shrouded in mystery as far as the local dub crowd is concerned. maybe i'll be a KH legend one day :P
Tink, sometimes I wish I'd done that, too...at least it'd give me a chance to talk some sense to other local dubs....
Frannie B
Honestly I wouldn't change a thing. I went through very rocky times, but that was fully expected when a person tries to leave a cult. By the way I am in a very similiar position as Tink, A mystery, 'where is he? Is he dead? Maybe he goes to meetings somewhere else?'
By the way Frannie I love the way you follow up on other people's post. That so awesome!!