Have you had any interesting travel experiences? Traveling to exotic lands, etc.?
Have You Had Interesting....
by Frannie Banannie 20 Replies latest jw friends
While not exotic, I lived and traveled in Alaska for several years.
many -- I have travelled many places over the world
I've been to Canada. Does that count?
Frannie Banannie
WHULLL!! Gawrsh, fellas! Obi and Stilla, SHARE! What happened? Any happy or sad or frightening or exciting memories of the places yall visited?
I spent a month in Australia. . but my most exciting trip was to Egypt. I got to see the Great Pyramids of Giza, the Sphinx and even took a cruise down the Nile; it was awesome!!
Frannie Banannie
Yes, Azzie....anyplace counts....just interested in everyone's experiences wherever they traveled, whether near or far...
For instance, I've had experiences traveling here in the states and overseas....Didja know that you can't get grits for breakfast till you get pretty far South of the Mason Dixon Line? I found that out the last time I drove back to Texas from Washington, D.C. Couldn't find any grits on the breakfast menu till I drove thru South Carolina...
Frannie B
I went backpacking around Romania a few years ago. We just booked the flights, landed there about teatime and went into town to find a hotel. I loved it, getting round on the local trains, meeting the locals etc. Most of our baggage going over was gifts for the aids victims in the orphanage in Cernavoda. The chil;dren there and in the hospital in Constanza really moved me. After that we went to the mountains in Transalvania which are stunning. We went up mount Sinaia in a cable car that was so rickity, and when we came down we saw on the news about the cable car accident in France killing some scientists. We were a lot more careful about what we went on after that, and weren't brave enough to try the romanian rollercoaster at the Black Sea... I'd love to go back, but most of the people I know don't fancy it and its not the sort of place I'd go to on my own.
Well, Frannie, Canada is a very beautiful place. Toronto is a really neat city that I hope to explore a little more soon. They have the best hotdog stands I've ever seen and the people are very friendly. I really need to get back there soon.
Gadget, I've always wanted to go to Romania as that's where my family is from.
PS Frannie, you can get grits for breakfast in Detroit. :-)
Frannie Banannie
PS Frannie, you can get grits for breakfast in Detroit. :-)
Azzie! Yer KIDDIN!!! LOL! I just knew this thread was gonna reap some good info...
Canada is a very beautiful place. Toronto is a really neat city that I hope to explore a little more soon. They have the best hotdog stands I've ever seen and the people are very friendly. I really need to get back there soon.
Yes, I expect it is, Azzie....I'd love to go there sometime...the closes I ever got to it was when I was flying thru Montreal overseas to Nicosia, Cyprus on KLM....we landed in Montreal at night....there was snow on the ground which reflected hundreds of thousands of multi-colored lights in the city....it looked like a Christmas card from the air....I've also heard there's a wonderful passenger train that does a tour across the width of the continent thru Canada....kinda like the Orient Express, only a North America express..heh
WeeeeDawgies, Gadget....what an interesting trip....gifts for orphans! mountains in Transylvania! Rickety cable car ride up Mt. Sinai!....and I know what you mean about not wanting to return by yourself....I'd kinda like to see Nicosia again, but wouldn't wanna go there by myself....however, it's just not a place that attracts others' interest...
I spent a month in Australia. . but my most exciting trip was to Egypt. I got to see the Great Pyramids of Giza, the Sphinx and even took a cruise down the Nile; it was awesome!!
SP! How thrilling! Those are just TWO of the places I'd love to see....if I ever win the lottery or something, I plan to take a world tour....(sigh)
Frannie B