What's the most ridiculous thing you were ever counselled on?
by micheal 142 Replies latest jw friends
For visiting my daughter in the psych hospital after a suicide attempt because I was missing meetings.
How Could They Be So F
You know what's even better? The elder who "counselled" me? His daughter went off the deep end. I had left that cong when it happened but I wonder if he let her rot in the hospital when she was ill.
Stacy Smith
beryl that's horrible, just horrible.
While walking into the KH at about age 14 with my parents an elder spoke up from behind us and said "sister, I can see your panty line" at which time my father spoke up and said "brother, what are you doing staring at my daughters butt".
I got consuled a lot, all the time because I just didn't believe it was the truth and only went to please my parents. I was given public reproof while the sister I was sinning with (pioneer, elders daughter) got nothing.
now you got me started!!!!!!!!!
now lets see, how abt this idiot ass hole elder told my daughter off constantly for wearing glitter any sort of enhancement hed be jumping on her..and when i wore red nail polish hed say oh youi are bleeding( sarcastic) and when blue hed say oh you hitting yourself with a hammer and shake his head in discust.
he picked on us constantly, and he pulled me in once for my answerphone message which said
"I cant come to the phone right now cuz im down in the dungeon being tortured for my good looks"
some stick in the mud old sister called me heard it and dobbed me in.
once someone saw me in about.com jw chat and told the elders so i got raked over the coals and given reams of kingdom ministry photo copies. on why not to be on the internet...
then i got pulled in for supposedly prompting my son who was abt 9 to answer at the WT when in fact i was whispering to him how to say a word.
i was also pulled in and counselled that my daughter( abused by her father and couldnt help it) went to the loo to much...grrrrrrrrrrrrr
and she wasnt allowed to go in the Kingdom hall at meetings no excuses she could go at home before she came and at home when she left.
i got counselled for going out to lunch with my bible student..the co said she was bad association as she wasnt JW....
suffice to say she saw the sisters gossiping about me and her and never came into the org THANK GOD.
she remains my friend and i went to her wedding in a anglican church
once i was asked to do a demo at service meeting first time in 14 yrs i might add and my skirt had ridden up and the split was to high..after the meeting i was told i made a fool of the elder and he yelled at me in the car park.
the co and an elder yelled at me right in the hall for booting my non jw son out for drug abuse and crime. called me a bad mother and said people were not going to meetings because of me and that i no longer had jahs spirit..right in front of the whole cong the night of the theocratic school.
i could go on all day!!!!!!!!!
raven i read your post and they r complete and utter nutcases..i never heard the like of it...candidates for the mental home..and hey the word pharisees came to my mind when i read that post of yours....
god im glad im outa that shit hole now !!!!!
love ya all
Wow Nelly that was some goooooooood stuff!!
It wasn't me but I know of someone who got counselled for wearing too much or too strong deodarant. He was taken to the back and everything. Who are the Pharisee's again?
Great topic! Here's a similar one from a few mo. ago for ther newbies. http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/7/43946/1.ashx
Red Witch
I am relatively new to this board and have been reading the current posts on this subject as well as the older ones. I can't begin to express the sadness, anquish, and anger this causes me. Yes, I have my stories too. It's been about 25 yrs since I distanced myself from the "org". My protection was to not dwell on the insanity of it all and just live. I was too afraid to face it all. But everyone's experiences here only make my mind and heart free of the evil that is the "watchtower society" and all that it stands for. Thank you all for sharing your experiences, I do not feel so alone anymore...
little witch
Like Red Witch, I just want to say how sorry I am, that this happened to you all. It is just heart breaking to read,
This is spiritual abuse, plain and simple, and is inexcusably cruel.
As many of you know, I was raised by a jw step mother, so had to go to the hall for many years in my youth, but fortunatly, I hated it, and I didnt respect them.
I got "counseled" only a couple of times, for smoking, but everyone was afraid of me, so they largly left me alone, as they new I was never going to be dub material.
I am very happy that most of you have taken your power back from those freaks, and for those who havent been able to yet, I hope you are soon able to.