French Quebec hearing the "Truth"

by JH 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    I guess that you love poutines too?

  • Nicolas

    He he he, yes of course, I love poutine (not the president of Russia). During the next winter, I'll probably try the poutine at the Asthon restaurant.

  • drawcad_1

    since I don't know french or have access to a Canadian channel, I would love to get an update.

  • Nicolas

    drawcad_1: the program is a translation in french of an english program that I saw on CBC, last winter... It was "The fifht estate":

  • drawcad_1

    thanks for the info.

  • acsot

    Merci pour l'information.

    Est-ce seulement une traduction du programme Fifth Estate? Ou bien est-ce qu'ils vont faire des entrevues avec des jeunes québécois ?

    Nicolas: Si tu viens á Montréal un jour tu me le laisseras savoir!!

  • JH
    Est-ce seulement une traduction du programme Fifth Estate? Is this just a french translation of the fifth estate program from last Janurary?

    Oui, Yes.

  • Nicolas

    acsot, je suis un étudiant en science humaine et un de ceux, parmi les étudiants, qui est choyé d'avoir son auto à lui ;-). Je ferais sûrement un petit voyage, un de ces quatres pour changer de la routine. Je garde ton nick en note pour te laisser un message privé si jamais je passe dans ton coin.

    I'm currently studying in human science and I'm lucky to be one of the rare student with a car. I'll probably make a little travel someday to go out of my routine. I'll send you a private message if I decide to go in Montreal acsot.

  • hawkaw

    Please note that in talking to Linda Guerriero at CBC, this is the 5th Estate show but done in French. I think it will also have a different host as well but only at the beginning and end of the segment and Bob McKeown will be seen from time to time with the rest of the good folks.

    Thus it is dubbed with titles and we will once again get to see all of our favourite TV stars.

    So this should leave a good kick in the head again ..... Nothing like pi$$ing off the French population in Canada.


    p.s. - hey I get to see the "shadow man" one more time. Only the shadow knows!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Dogpatch

    1 hour radio program on abuse by the Jehovah Witnesses. (Edited by hawk - This is not a radio show. This is on CBC Canada's French Television station - called Radio Canada. Again this is a repeat of the 5th Estate but translated into French for the 4 million or so French speaking people in Canada)Next Wednesday night at 8PM 20 h
    Pedophiles within the JW's Just about everywhere worldwide, JW youngsters complain about sexual abuse. Fathers, fathers in law, elders, bible teachers, all older and with more influence, victimize the youths. But each time a complaint is made, there is a wall of silence which they must face. Never going to the police, the elders take this into their own hands creating their own internal justice. This way of dealing with abuse doesn't protect the children, but instead protects the interests of the church. 20 h Pédophiles chez les témoins de Jehovah
    Un peu partout dans le monde, des jeunes témoins de Jehovah se plaignent d'abus sexuels. Leurs bourreaux : des pères, des beaux-pères, des anciens, des enseignants de la Bible, tous plus âgés et plus influents. Mais à chaque plainte, c'est à un mur de silence qu'ils doivent faire face. Outrepassant les autorités policières, la communauté remet ces cas entre les mains des anciens, créant ainsi son propre système de justice interne. Ce système ne protège aucunement les enfants, mais sert avant tout les intérêts de l'église.
    Animation : Pascale Nadeau.
    Du lundi au vendredi.
    Rediffusion à 1 h.

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