My wife and I are being sent (all expense paid) to Beverly Hills , on the 28th of this month, to participate in the Lifetime Television Network for Women, Breast Cancer Awareness thingie.
Four days and nights of social functions, and dinners, and a concert.... FORMAL and Dress attire.
PLEASE HELP, we will be staying at the Regent Beverly Wilshire Hotel, Beverly Hills (where the movie "Pretty Woman" was filmed) The Concierge will be dressed better than I am, if you don't help me.
I am an artist, living in Georgia... I know blue jeans and t-shirts..... I need some idea of what to wear. (and no I don't want to look like I just stepped in from field-service.... )
ANY SUGGESTIONS???????? PICTURES????? LINKS?????? FASHION ACCESSORIES????? Does your man dress pretty snazzy?? Is there a t.v. or film star that has a nice sense of style that you like???