HELP!! Ladies, Dress me for L.A. Please Help

by badolputtytat 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • patio34

    if you have access, Badolpuddytat, watching one or more episodes of Queer Eye for a Straight Guy on Bravo TV would help enormously. They have great tips for all you straight guys!


  • patio34

    And my suggestion would be to go to a hair stylist that costs about $40. They'll do your hair great.

    Plus, remember it's LA not NYC. Even tho there's formal events, in general the clothes, even dress clothes tend to be more casual looking, comfortable. I live just north of LA.

    Another thing, go to a good department store and ask for help! And try to get stuff you'll use when you get back home, if possible.

    Have fun!! And congratulations!!


  • badolputtytat

    Kathy..... I just luv yew.Don't worry about me gettin' the "big head", it's gonna be like the lost episodes of the Beverly Hillbillies.

    Jwbot..... two thousand dollars?????? For a suit!!?? Just what does that include? Umm did I mention that I am an artist in Georgia.... folks don't wear 2000 dollar suits around here. (besides this is for charity, I would feel pretty bad spending that much on clothes.... 2000 dollars could pay for a hospital bed for a week)But thank you for the suggestion... I willl try to just "copy it".

    Thanx Ravyn.... I am going this afternoon to stock up on the Magazines, Cosmo, GQ etc.... I wouldn't even make a big deal out if it, if it weren't such a public event. The cable company my wife works for, makes a pretty big deal outa this thing every year. Ya know, local and National news, The Lifetime web-site. They are going to plaster my wife's face all over everything..... I am terrified that I will embarass her... I am considered..... eccentric, around here...

    Patio34.... I do have access, and I have been watching...Actually I like that show. But I have never been whatcha call "fashion coordinated"..... I wear Batman T-shirts and Holy Blue jeans.... and Garfield Pajamas, and PURPLE TOE SOCKSwith STRIPES..... oh yeah, I am going to a stylist for the hair thing.... I'm nervous.But maybe people will stop staring at me when they come into my office.

    Thanx again for the help.... I miss being on the board, I have just been so busy lately with some personal projects.... HI to everybody....


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