That same site presents slightly differantly, in my browser. The connotation that I've always had for that word contains the idea of feeling compelled or restraining oneself.
con·strain ( P ) Pronunciation Key (k tr.v.con·strained,con·strain·ing,con·strains
To compel by physical, moral, or circumstantial force; oblige: felt constrained to object. See Synonyms at force.
To keep within close bounds; confine: a life that had been constrained by habit to the same few activities and friends.
To inhibit or restrain; hold back: “Failing to control the growth of international debt will also constrain living standards” (Ronald Brownstein).
To produce in a forced or inhibited manner.
BB, I agree with PS, regarding Jesus choice of self-sacrifice. It is well summed up in his statement of giving your life for your friends. Hero's are such, because they chose the positive action of assisting, not because the alternative would appear cowardly.
PS and LT.It is not about cheaping or cowardness.Its about the "Carrot" the reward for choosing to use your free will in a way that lines up with God's and Jesus'.There is expectation in a self- sacrificing spirit.That is not wrong to want,it is a normal process of self- preservation when it comes to whether humans have free will,I believe free will is controlled by other forces in our lives,as was already discussed on this post.Hence ,because free will is controlled,it is not truley free will. My opinion of cause,one that is not easily resolvable.